
dump her right the hell now.

No, no it isn’t. My boyfriend and I would never consider a joint savings account. I’m pretty off and on for work, and so he picks up the rent and I do the groceries and power bill. But it’s my money and his money, and never the twain shall meet unless he gets posted overseas and we decide it’s neccesary.

All my army friends have lots of shoes. Two pairs of dress shoes, two pair of work boots ( but they buy S.W.A.Ts because Canadian army boots apparently suck) flip flops, casual, workout, hiking shoes, hiking boots that mimic combats, mukluks for arctic training, civilian winter boots, two pairs of wet weather boots,

Maybe he’s in the army. Army people have tons of shoes, they breed or something.

From a cold weather dweller-you want thermal underwear, a thermal shirt, wool socks possibly a wool sweater, mittens, and a solid pair of winter boots. Also a toque, and a scarf if you don’t wear glasses. Go for merino wool if you can afford it, and a decent quality winter coat.

“Get a degree you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life because that field isn’t hiring.”

To be fair to you Vancouver folk, a humid -10 will seep into your bones. Edmonton may get to -30 with a wack of snow, but at least a body can get warm after a while.

I think it was just an offhand joke, and Jason Schreier is just being facetious. Or I also don’t get it.

Well of course, but the question wasn’t “what can happen to a kid in a car.” Buddy asked what could happen leaving a kid in a parked car while the driver ran in for a minute. I answered. I wasn’t making a judgement call-I’d probably do it too, if it came down to it. After all, I could’ve been easily eaten by a coyote

Grande Prairie is in Canada, dear. And it did happen, as the article states. I could find a few more examples, if you’d like. Parents sometimes don’t even realize a child is in the back, because it is asleep, and quiet. I doubt a car jacker would consider checking the back seat for an infant.

Well duh, that’s why the kids were usually ditched on somebody’s doorstep once they were noticed. Obviously, none of them intentionally kidnapped anyone, because they were assholes, not sociopaths.

Oh. I read it as your friend was drinking in the car and had just finished. Apparently there are places where that is legal, so I wondered. My bad.

Kids hate shoes, guys. I have a massive family, and I’ve never encountered a child who kept their shoes on in the car. It just is.

There’s been a number of situations in my hometown where a child has been left in the car for a minute or two for whatever reason, and the car got stolen. Kids always turned up fine, but that’s probably why people disapprove. There’s also been a number of situations where children have died from being left in a hot

It’s legal for passengers to drink where your from? Weird.

But it isn’t. I used the third gender as an example..my reply was not set up very well, and for that I apologize. But gender is a social role, not a biological one. She isn’t altering to mimic anything. She is making her outside look like how she identifies inside.

Some people aren’t born male or female though, they are interex and have niether, or both, or a mix of parts. Western society is odd in that we don’t recognize a third gender. There are men-physically and mentally-who are born with ovaries. Biological sex is really quite complicated, and most doctors and psychologists

ISIS apparently likes cocaine, to keep the fighters fighting. Mix that with some energy drinks, and they might all die of heart attacks.

RWBY isn’t anime. Nor am I young, or completely ignorant of “real” anime, and I like it just fine.

As a Christian..I want a cup with a battle between Cthulu and an angel on it. But a scary Biblical angel, the “wheel on fire with ten eyes” kind.