
I never understood someone being hostile over a polite greeting. Someone was kind enough to wish you well-why fuss over semantics?

There are mountains in the area, and I guess Israel gets snow sometimes. So, yes. Doesn’t change the fact this is a stupid thing to fuss about, though.

Hong Kong.

Maybe Attila the Hun likes to feel pretty sometimes. Don’t judge him for that.

Maybe a North American thing, as I was taught that the columns are vertical, and rows are horizontal.

They were extradited last year, but since they actually made the calls, their trials might be longer. I can’t find anything related to them since though.

I think it was more of a “don’t deny you’ve had surgery” rather than “don’t have surgery.”

I found something that says that was a different fire, not this one. I can’t find a reliable source though.

What? I don’t watch tv, we don’t even own one. How am I ignorant because I don’t know the plot of some random TV show? It might be “art”, but I don’t get anything from it I don’t get from video games, books, or the internet.

Probably very. The Western Canada Fashion Week has a costume section, and it conveniently lined up with the Edmonton Comic Expo this year. The designer just killed two birds with one stone.

If you can afford it, I recommend getting transitions when you get your next pair. As for clipons, just don’t wear them inside, I guess. If you don’t work in an office or need uncompromised vision, I doubt it matters.

Oh, which museum? I recently moved here and have a list of all the things I want to see.

I hope he charged a babysitting fee.

That is brilliant. I’m going to inform my sister about that ploy.

White? He looks awfully Japanese to me. He had coworkers, a family, and friends. Of course he will be missed.

Weren’t there female transformers back in generation 1? It’s hardly a new addition.

I’m sorry you are sad, random stranger. I share this baby goat with you, in hopes it cheers you up.

I agree. I liked Brave. I don’t agree with this list in the least, but it isn’t my list.

I approve of you, random stranger.

“rich, curious anuses” is the best phrase I’ve heard in years.