
Well, I disagree on that one. I’ve definately been places where fast food was the only option, because it was very late, we were traveling across the country, and snacks were not going to cut it. So there are not always other options.

Dear random stranger,

It’s sad when someone dies, but BASE jumping in American National Parks is illegal for a reason. I do feel bad for the people who had to clean that up though, and his family.

I admire that second lady’s confidence. It takes a great deal to wear wings, that dress? and that hair. You go, stranger lady.

Making friends is hard. Is there a Meetup group in your area? I know people who do that to get friends. I’m afraid of strangers, so I can’t tell you how well they work, but it’s something? And I think some dating sites have a “looking for friends” option.

Biases are funny things that way. People can rationalize anything if they try hard enough.

I did, and it just refuses to load. I imagine it’s on my end, my Privacybadger or something.

I don’t know what that’s doing. It was supposed to be a picture, refused to upload. It’s just nothingness, hanging out.

To put in your sleeves to keep your fingers warm/attack your enemies/kill rats.

This is a weird thing. I know a few single guys with cats, and know of a few more (seems like single army men like cats) and have never heard that stereotype until my boyfriend mentioned making fun of army men with cats. Until, of course, we got one. Army guys rip on each other for everything, but I don’t understand

Heh, we almost got a Siamese. For a while, it was the only cat my boyfriend would accept. Then, he found out that black cats are the hardest to adopt, felt bad, and now we have the most ridiculous cat I have ever owned.

According to a psych teacher I had, women tend to victim blame rape victims more. Because “those victims must be doing something wrong, and it won’t happen to me because I don’t do those things”. It’s a fear thing.

That one astonished me. You can’t do that where I am from..it’s considered discrimination, and if it’s reported, you get hauled up in front of the Human Rights Commission. And their fines can be hefty.

I’ve seen a few episodes, but it’s just really not my thing. Though I have a friend who likes to play the “Bacon Pancakes” song at 8 AM after a night of drinking. Thankfully that didn’t last long.

I think it was supposed to be sarcastic.

Mercury poisoning.

Healthy attachment pretty much means you’ve balanced “I want to be around you always!” and “I can handle being alone.”

(Answered my own question, but don’t know how to delete comments. Don’t mind me.)

I beg your pardon, but where do you live that “too large of bagels” is a problem, and folk need to have the inside removed? Because I wish to go there.

I worked in fast food for a number of years as a teenager, and if someone said they had an allergy, we got a new, clean cutting board, a new knife, changed gloves, and if I suspected the cheese or lettuce may have been contaminated, I grabbed from the stock in the back. This should be common practice, to me at least.