
With some creativity you could mount the batteries and controllers in a variety of ways.  Project X was nice because they replaced the gas tank with batteries.  I have almost a 17 gallon tank in the back, that’s quite a bit of space.  There are voids in the quarter panels on both sides and if you’re not afraid of

“Huh, never heard of these, what’s this “Neegboorehood EV?” *click*

Oh, much agreed there. The lightning and the F-100 up on a pedestal made it tough. I loved the little blue Maverick by Tucci Hot Rods. It was just right there, easily accessible and you could appreciate how it was legitimately a small truck. The 3d printed splitter, flares and Cossy style spoiler was neat.

The Hummer

Color me Jelly AF.

Saw it at SEMA it’s fuckin flawless.  Way too awesome seeing a garage built car show up on the floor looking so good.

That’s the spirit!

Not sure if I should get in on the Lets go Brandon memecoin or RIVN.

I do wonder how long it’ll last running around before it starts pulling power like on the Z06's.

Why not? The government is just fine with suppliers of other products to provide their own findings.  Look at the FDA.

The N24 car packs in GTR and GTR2 was madness.  All sorts of high power stuff mixed with cars that probably didn’t crack 100hp lol.  Loved those races.

Looks like some Jurgen Alzen design cues.

Uhh, what’s with the V8 soundtrack on the VW?

The whole thing about people having a higher chance of keeping an EV if they have an at-home charger might be why GM has been working to cover some of the costs of installing a charger if you purchase an EV through them.

Welp, the cage did its job!

From one 3800 owner to another, I feel your pain.

The plastic intakes are a death sentence.

They’ll crack and dump coolant into the engine.

They’ll catch fire as the EGR stovepipe melts it.

IIRC, they changed to an aluminum intake on the Series III.

So, should it be an issue with Hyundai, or with their ad agency? Trying to do a paradigm shift of this degree usually involves an ad agency that is in it to win it for that specific demographic.

COTD if it were still alive.

Well that would be up to whoever you choose for legal counsel to target. It’s usually quite clear who is responsible for development of certain roadways here.

We don’t have townships as well, so of course if you live in a place like that it is probably also saddled with laws from before the birth of this nation and