
No sidewalks available? That sounds like an ADA compliance lawsuit gold mine.

Makes me think of this:
Me and Dre stood next to a burnt-down house. With a can full of gas and a hand full of matches. And still weren’t found out.”

You guys are buying new cars?

When a BMW i8 and a Buick Cascada get tossed into google AI’s image blender nightmare thingie.

It’s an old meme sir, but it checks out.

Owning nothing newer than 2006, I’m just sitting here like, “Well, yeah all my cars are like that or not even as nice as that.”

And comparing paint thickness of something from the 90s to something from now isn’t exactly fair. Maybe do a comparison against something else in the same price range and decade?

It is roughly a $200 difference between the 5.3 L83 and 6.2 L86 for a 65hp/77tq gainNow a 6.2 LT4 is about 3x that price plus the auxiliary cooling needed.

Same, I grew up in a GM family. I see what Ford is doing or Dodge and go, “Damn that’s a smart design, or damn that’s a fucking ripper of a car.

GM could have done some more fun stuff with the LT5 to go against the Hellcat powered onslaught from Mopar, but nah.  That one’s dead and gone now.

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Top bidding war is between an S. Bulba and an out of system business, Watto’s Junkshop.

Yeah, we’re only visual here, I have cats, they’re high flow and I still get bugged because “It sure sounds loud for having cats.”  11:1 compression on an engine that had 9.5:1 plus a big dumb cam kinda does that.

That I didn’t know since ours is only visual in this part of TX.

What I’m really referring to is the tuners that have to use the sniffers for tuning validation so they don’t have the EPA knocking down doors and flash banging errybody.

That I didn’t know since ours is only visual in this part of TX.

What I’m really referring to is the tuners that have to use the sniffers for tuning validation so they don’t have the EPA knocking down doors and flash banging errybody.

Allow me to introduce you to this fella.

Now playing

Seeing the thought that went into this is fuckin cool. One comment I usually hear from another big OEM is, “Why would anybody do that?” or “Well our data doesn’t show that.”

Ford is like, “Hey we know you probably don’t want to spend $200 on this accessory, here’s something to hold you over.”

That’s hauling the fuckin mail!

Seems like LS-Fest format:

Wow, back to back EV events in California at the end of the year. Nice. If you have any interest in the aftermarket, you and Holley might need to compare notes.

Anybody that’s removing baggage during an emergency deplaning should be decked right there and leave their unconscious husk to be trampled on the floor.

Welp, seems like somebody had an axe to grind.