Isn’t it like 50/50 if he works or golfs on any given day anyway?
Isn’t it like 50/50 if he works or golfs on any given day anyway?
This isn’t the first shutdown in living memory, and in previous shutdowns everyone was quick to point out that essential services and the military would continue to run even during such an event.
This is not a good take.
What’s your interest in all this PotterPoet? You’re not just a casual observer. You’re one-sided as hell and have your finger on a lot of information that takes the same side as you.
“Half a loaf is better than none” has lost its meaning. Now it’s all or nothing.
BMI is basically useless as an indicator of fitness. Witness the number of top tier athletes with the same BMI as Trump.
It flipped the Congress because the Dems ran and hid. I remember the “town halls” the Republicans held to whip up opposition. They devoted every Congressional recess to it. The Democrats (especially the President) were no where to be seen. They didn’t campaign for it. They didn’t make their case. They ran away from it…
heh, thank heavens all the good musical radio stations went out of business here...ya learn stuff.
The federal judge appointments are going to hurt us for the rest of my lifetime
43 and distinctly remember climbing the rope
I grew up in a small town in the 80's with a lot of farmers. We had the rope.
Many people in their 70s can’t do these things you mention. Your post is garbage.
I’m with the albacore, I definitely remember the rope climb and being a doughy teenager who couldn’t make it happen.
41, had to do it in elementary school.
I’m 32 and we did. I remember being in second grade and one girl wore a dress, we all had to face the wall haha
You would be wrong. By at least 15 years.
We climbed rope in gym class in the SF Bay Area (shout out to the Aragon Dons). I am 46.
I happen to know that you kipped those pull ups, Andrew.
Yeah. I was trying to make sense of what he’s doing. An obvious mistake.
A strange stance to take as her character in the Duchess, a historical film, is horrifically raped by her husband. I respect her for her stand against “titillating” rape portrayals in film, but she apparently forgot one of her own movies...