
‘“We got to touch God,” Alia Berry-Drobnich, a freshman at Bethesda Chevy Chase, said.’

People sometimes forget that were were a lot of white folks backing up civil rights  protestors in the 1960's, some of whom were murdered or jailed as a result. Not as many as folks of color who suffered these consequences, but certainly a countable number.

As a student who participated, I have to say, I felt as if a lot of my classmates (well I am from LI, NY) completely forgot the point of the walkout. It quickly turned from making a stand on gun control and paying respect to th victims to “look at me! I’m doing something!” On social media. Additionally, I personally

Civil disobedience without negative consequences isn’t really disobedience. In fact, I’d argue that the negative consequences are the most powerful component of such action.

That is an absolutely awful multiple choice question.

It’s a study published by the SPLC, which is about as credible as the ADF.

It’s been considered bad practice for a LONG time to include multiple correct answers in a multiple choice survey, even if the instructions are to choose the “best” answer. Adding “not sure” to that confounds the issue further. It ends up being a “trick” question.

I’m 37, from seattle, went to a catholic high school and I was straight up taught the civil was was fought because “states rights vs central authority”.

Oh? Do tell...

I can only assume it was based on how the question was asked. If the question said “What was the confederate states reason for seceding”, I could see giving states rights as the reason. But the reason they cared about states rights is because they wanted to keep slaves. Slavery is the reason behind the reason, so to

Only 8% of high school seniors surveyed can identify slavery as the central cause of the Civil War.

Sitting too close to the TV.

Internal combustion.

Through their research, the study’s authors identified several key failings which have each contributed in weakening schools ability to accurately, and holistically teach about slavery, including:

Districts have to be of roughly equal population.

If you think this is bad, just wait for the unholy shitstorm that will ensue should the U.S. Supreme Court come out with a similar ruling on the Wisconsin case. This case is one state; the Wisconsin case could potentially affect all 50.

So you felt it was newsworthy that Bill O’Reilly is no longer newsworthy, so you reported it as news, making him newsworthy?

If you “didn’t realize politicians groping women being wrong was a partisan subject” then you should be able to explain why Franken was booted and Trump wasn’t.

You didn’t watch the clip, did you?

“Because nothing proves the music industry’s commitment to highlighting the work of underrepresented and oppressed women quite like giving Ed Sheeran a Grammy.”