
Come on, what's with this gigantic picture of his mug? I was just about to eat breakfast!

Oh, I am well aware of that. This cast of all the Maslanys, Gavaris and Co. is absolutely amazing. Still, he was sexy as hell.

He was in the last Bridget Jones movie, so if you hate those flicks, it would be a nice combo for your PHM (Personal Hatred Machine).

This show has not been the same without the Shirtless Paul…

Yeah, and yesterday we saw Rogue 1, which is far from cheerful.Still more fun than the Cosby trial.

Thank god my niece entered the Star Wars phase, so we watch those movies together and I get to see the good prevail from time to time

Cosby: "Drinks are on me!"

"When you're rich, they let you grab them by the down there!"

I'm not picky. I just want Cosby to walk away from this broken, in shame and to never, ever be heard from again.

I don't know if any of you read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but it says that when you take your own life, your suffering doesn't end. Instead you keep experiencing your violent death over and over as long as your natural life on Earth would have been. So this kinda ruined the whole idea of suicide for me. And if it

Only 77? For some reason he looks like some ageless evil creature to me - he could be 113 and it wouldn't surprise me.

It's in your pillowcase.

I agree, they definitely weren't ready for this series of books with their rich universe of characters and places. That's why I hope Netflix will do better. Let the casting speculations begin! Is it too much to ask for Fassy as Geralt?

And also a wasted opportunity. We should be able to transfer our own literature to the screen…

That makes me cautiously hopeful, because the Polish movie they made was a pile of crap, despite Michał Żebrowski looking great as Geralt.

A friend of mine was doing PR for the movie and I had to listen to her constantly cursing Linda for his unwillingness to do promotion or reversely, saying the worst things about the script and or Wajda (basically accusing him of dying and leaving the whole promotion to Linda ;).

Yeah, "try not to give random rabbits erections" are good words to live by.

Hey, CW, while you're at it, can you re-shoot endings to HIMYM, Falling Sky and if it's not too much to ask, to Lost and BSG? Thank you very much.

Will you return him in his original wrapping?

He's definitely guilty of all of the above, but we could probably find a few other people who are comparably shitty in this respect. However, when it comes to thin skin, he's simply unsurpassed. I honestly never met anyone like that. Even Kanye doesn't come close.