
"We liked you. It's a shame you're dead" is officially my obituary. I'm gonna write the instructions into my will. Thank you!

Batiste doesn't seem to have any sense of humour so he laughs too hard at simple jokes, and misses the more subtle or absurd ones or laughs/gives a musical cue a split second too late. And he breaks Stephen's rhythm, which I (and possibly Colbert?) find really annoying.

Dear Lord, this guy won't let ANYTHING slide. He has to respond to everything in an embarrasing or mean-spirited or stupid way. I know he's the president, I just can't believe it and it makes me sad. Oh yeah, and he ruined a couple of words, including "sad".

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Iain Caestecker and Elisabeth Henstridge almost seem to be from another show entirely with the sheer power of their emotions and talent. Which is not a criticism of the show in any way, just a praise of that duo.

He's like the mall version of a president bought on sale. So he'll break soon and you'll have to get a new one.

Damn you, now I can't decide and I have a headache! It's an impossible choice!

The first season was just so good, fun, well thought-out and everything I love in TV. And then it went to shit in an unprecedented (well, except for UnReal) pace. I thought money rules Hollywood, but this is one of the cases where it obviously proves that it's ego.

Ouch! Also, this seriously is not very far from the truth.

From Under A Tuscan Sun to Under A French Man. Oui, oui, I'll see myself out.

But it's worse than that. It's like the two sequels were not even made by the same people. The spark is gone. I still rewatch Matrix from time to time, but you could never make me watch the rest of the trilogy.

Oh sweet, March 6 is my birthday, so I was drunk anyway.

Groundhog Day…In space!

I still don't understand, how they could make this near-perfect movie and then follow it with those disappointing sequels.

Problem solved.

Is there a day celebrating Polish culture in the US? Let me know, so that I can drink a bottle of vodka and steal a car I guess? I don't know. Stereotyping one's own culture is hard, you guys!

I guess so. She's out.

I know what you mean.

Sleepy Hollow with Depp, Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley, anything with Claire Danes, but particularly Stardust. A Year of Living Dangerously with Mel Gibson. Oh, and I just remembered how much Iove The Royal Tenenbaums despite Gwyneth.

From your mouth to God's ears, Sean.

Psst! Gerard Depardieu has an easy solution for you…