

"The studio is reportedly looking for someone new (and possibly younger) to star as the Joker".
They're gonna cast Leonardo DiCaprio though, right?

Yep, my last name has twelve letters and only four of them are vowels :)

And they all still came up short after Tom Hanks and his residuals from the Toy Story and Adam Sandler and his latest 'film' and Seth Rogen and his movie about sausages and penises. See the trend?

I want to see that movie!

Hitler just wanted to go over and say hi to Stalin, but we pesky Poles wouldn't let him through with his tanks and all ;)

Yeah, I didn't take into account, he would have to be Bond for more than one film. Still, I was hoping for a more inspiring/refreshing move than this.

That's disappointing. He really looks like he doesn't give a shit in the last installments. Spectre was a bad movie and I was ready for Idris Elba or possibly Charlize Theron.

My God, this delusional little prick is really doing great harm to your society and the planet. Because the word truly is mightier that the sword. I know it's ironic given this show of force in Charlottesville, but do yout think it would happen if he didn't prepare the ground with his rhetoric? With the "fake news"

"Many of the complaints critics and viewers had about Iron Fist work
their way into the dialogue, including the privilege he isn’t aware
he’s constantly benefiting from and asserting. At times, the criticism
is shoehorned into the conversation; at others, it deals a more
devastating blow than Danny’s glowing fist"

It's more an infernal memo, if you ask me.

So, showrunners listen to criticism and fans and it's not about stupid shipping and such (I'm looking at you, Vampire Diaries!) but about legitimate problems which they try to address and fix? Sweet. For some reason the fact that this show might be good made me feel better on a morning that I really needed that.

And Dornan is good in The Fall. Sometimes it really is the original material, that is so abhorrently bad (Twilight and 50 Shades respectively), that the actor cannot do anything about it. Good for him!

"I haven't been following the controversy, but when it comes to torture, I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron".

Found the unpleasant type, ladies and gents. Everyone carry on now.

I'd love to have my Hollywood debut as Sorta Like a Famous Director's Daughter.

I immediately assumed it was another vampire show. Damn you, Stephenie Meyer.

It will turn out, I'm sure, that she's Littlefinger's little niece, in the next episode. Also… he didn't read the documents? Wow, Jamie, you are as cute as you are naive.

Call Kate McKinnon. If she says yes, I'm buying tickets for the remaining tour dates.

It only speaks to Tim Rozon's talent (and hotness :) that he can work this mustache so well.