
That's perfect news with my morning coffee.

Well, it is very progressive so..

That's actually brilliant.

And yet, inexplicably, it's still a resounding and definite "Nope" from my vagina.

How do you cast that role? It's virtually impossible imo.

What, the hell, is wrong with this guy? I mean seriously. What.The.Hell.

And also hopefully no Hayden Christensen. No wait, that was Jumper. Nevermind.

But then again, where's the fun in that?

I sure hope the executioner didn't get the Christmas bonus for that sloppy work.

I used to watch his show occasionally, until he invited this Milo guy for ratings and then claimed to single-handedly cause his demise. That was it for me.

I think it's one of those cases where the soul of a person (or lack thereof?) shows on their face.

The scene with Logan/Veronica/Kendall immediately came to my mind, when I watched Ravi do almost exactly the same, down to a lame excuse echoing Logan's "Last night is kind of a blur".

I'm sure that nicely scented woman feels like she dodged a bullet.

I immediately had the image of Fred Flintstone carrying out their dinosaur, dropping it on the doormat and shutting the door in its face. Is that "graceful" enough?

Yeah, plus it's hard to tell, when it's up your own ass most of the time.

"I could have anyone I wanted". Uhm, except for literally millions of women you totally couldn't have.

Those blinding, shopping mall quality whitening stripes smiles, tho..

Hands down "Alice in Wonderland" with shitty postproduction 3D effects that gave me a killer headache.

A slightly grossed-out upvote.

It's still better than those gigantic 3D ads I saw in "Ghost in the Shell". For some reason they scare the crap out of me.