
The fans are convinced that it’s the quarterback at fault. As if he had anything to do with BYU having their pick of receivers open at the end of regulation or the defense only sometimes lining up in the right positions. Last year this team got two wins over bowl teams but played a close game against Charlotte. Maybe

I have a younger brother who routinely kicked my ass in Tecmo Bowl. He plays with his TOES because of a arm/hand issue he’s dealt with since he was one (I’m no slouch at Tecmo, he’s just that good). He inspires me to keep trucking even though shit’s rough. However, if we squared off on an MLB diamond, I would still

It was really hard for the cops to complete the paperwork on Dotel as he has changed drug cartels over a dozen times since retiring from the MLB.

We have the classiest, most dignified, and humble presidents on the plant so it is safe to say that it all starts from the top! #MAGA #BESTPRESIDENTEVER #LOCKHERUP #NOWHITEHOUSEVISIT4LOSERS

1944 National Champions.

Can we stop using words like “controversial” to describe racist pedophiles?

I hope this racist fucking cretin suffers for a long, long time in jail.

We knew that as Brady began to reach the twilight years of his career he’d be in more games where he’d get outplayed by younger guys

What amazes me more than anything is that there are still people who are completely oblivious to the fact that there is a 90% chance they are being filmed.... whether it’s a smart phone, dash cam, or a $300 system from Amazon... doesn’t matter.

Pot smokers get more punishment than this guy.

Enjoy the x4 cost of living increase.

I don’t know Mark your career was defined by a high 4.20 era

Eliminate it based off of what? Let’s ban semi automatic weapons. Let’s raise the age of purchase to 21. Let’s make it tougher for mentally unstable people to get guns. I am all for that as it will significantly reduce these shootings (unfortunately not eliminate them). But why can’t a decent United States citizen own

Ah, so you’ll wait for the first loss before calling for Foles? :)

The report did, however, say some current NASCAR drivers could participate in the league.

Ohio State: 1 year bowl ban for free tattoos, Penn state: 4 year bowl ban for harboring a child rapist. So I guess child molesting is only 4x as bad as a free tattoo? Fuck the NCAA and their spinelessness in this case.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression the NCAA has some sense of shame or proportionality.

Strip their NCAA accreditation. Strip their funding. Burn the buildings to the ground. Penn State University will always and forever stand for placing football over the health and well being of children. The great enablers of child rape. Rot in hell forever, Penn State University.

Fuck you people. Every one of you. The man was scum. He was spineless. May he burn in hell.