
You make a good point about us thinking it’s all the QB’s fault, however if he is as good as he’s been touted to be, then we wouldn’t have been in this situation with BYU or Georgia State to begin with. It’s been a long 2 + years with him behind center. 

Yeah my eyes also sweat from allergic reactions to stories like this.

Forget about the need and swiftness of emergency personnel in the event of a crash at 304 marinara. A hearse would be a much better option.

(Do tell) me please that you contribute to a satirical publication because your statement is nothing short of brilliant!

America By God, the greatest country on Earth. Where else can someone run around with purple hair supposedly representing their national team while bashing the leaders and the administration of the good ol’ U.S. of A. and still be allowed to wear a jersey?

So does this mean that it’s possible to raise the window down?......just asking for a friend.

That all depends on who you ask.

Phps she should’ve named her FU-Q to combat the insensitive remarks lobbed at her for such an organic name.

He's almost as graceful as a damn Albatross......almost.

Its on video for Pete’s sake. What more proof do they need before there’s enough evidence to hang this Sumbitch from the girders/rafters of a major league ballpark during the 7th inning stretch?

Thats freaking highlarious right there, but must you be so blunt about it?

Yeah me too, but it was always on the back roads and I’d turn my lights off just to add another dynamic into such an already intriguing race.

Whatever you do....don’t do it!!!! I’d liken Cali, Oregon, and Washington as the Armpits & Asshole of America, respectively of course.

Holy shit Batman!!!!......You’re right Sir, I’d rather hear an entire gaggle of Geese being strangled as well. She’s just carrying the flame that Marilyn Manson dropped.

Good Lord look at the size of those earrings! I’ve used bait fish smaller than those things to catch Blue Marlin. Hey Bekah.....roll one, I know you got it.

Alec who? What little bit that remains of his and all the other perverted prick’s careers will be going down faster than the 3rd monkey on the ramp of Noah’s Ark.....and it’s beginning to rain.

Could someone help me here? I’m trying to recall when Jay was ever good at anything other than being overrated.

“Now hiring online psychics in your area”. You should already know where to apply.