
Part of the job of the government is to protect the vulnerable. That includes people with low health literacy, like these people clearly have. Trump’s statements about the effectiveness of these drugs is irresponsible and encourages people to do dumb things. He is not wholly responsible, but he certainly didn’t help

They are going to get paid for this on some level. Good PR aside, there’s no way they would take the hit on this without some form of payment coming back.

I feel so fortunate to live in a country where people are shamed for not coming to work while sick and many are likely to get fired if they don’t. 

It’s America. A vast, self-reinforcing culture of malignant lunacy.

Did you see what station this aired on?

This is why we can’t have nice things...

I still have a copy of Win 3.11 as part of an Osborne frontend on Compact Disc. Might be time to dust it off and crank it up again, it'll be the ultimate in security. ;-)

I was waiting for this comment.

Do us all a favor and tattoo “DNR” to your forehead.

The fact that “Yikes, I’m a host” was her SECOND thought just might be the most scientist thing ever.

How sad of a writer can you be. he is right, anyone could have hit that with a car that size. stop overdramatising and being butthurt because someone has more money than you. 

lol Anyone could’ve hit that”

Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass

This will call for a yuge Sharpie loop. 

Hope Alabama has an evacuation plan!

“Hey, everyone, STOP THE RESCUE AND RECOVERY EFFORTS! This guy on Gizmodo says we should set up building codes like Guam. “

Strong building codes are great, but it’s a double edged sword. The increase in construction cost will end up pricing more people out of the market. This was the case for some folks in Florida after Hurricane Andrew. A lot of those people who couldn’t afford to build to the new code would later end up in mobile homes. 

It’s an easy mistake to make because TMZ accosts most of their prey at LAX.

Anecdotal story that I can’t prove anything with but *feels* true: My wife and I were driving back home after 5 days in the countryside visiting family. We’d discussed someday, hypothetically looking at buying a lakehouse (we absolutely cannot afford to do this, but it’s nice to dream) while using Google’s GPS, as our