
The infuriating part of this story is that the Obama administration sat on their hands while they knew this was happening. We needed Obama, seated at his desk on prime time television, addressing the nation and alerting us that foreign powers were manipulating our election in an unprecedented way. Who cares about how

Who? Nobody. Reality is not a person.

And lazy and are just looking for handouts.

Gawker is no more because it was the target of a lengthy, secretive, vengeful campaign by a billionaire who is a luminary in silicon valley and is also now a member of Trump’s transition team. I fail to see how politics is irrelevant to tech.

Cops kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS. Cars kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Obesity kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Heroin kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S.. ISIS is

What is so infuriating about Snowden is that his infamy has been conflated with intelligenc by certain elements of the media. Just because he stole documents from the NSA makes him neither principled nor an authority on the important issues in our society. I think I feel even more strongly about his lack of moral

Did any of the “fake news” in Canada report that Trudeau murdered people, donated to ISIS, wasn’t born in Canada, was a secret Muslim, and wanted to get rid of the constitution?

I have a serious question. I highly doubt the author of this post will engage me so any readers, please feel free.

Trump winning

There needs to be a provision for impeaching a President who seriously threatens human civilization.

Nuance, reading comprehension, and attention to detail are not exactly things Trump supporters are known for.

Having concerns is fine (and justified), but voting for trump in the hopes that he would make things better is just plain stupid. Those people are living in a fantasy world, and will realize their folly over the next four years.

Gonna be that guy, they are live streaming it. That’s tech working for you. Since everything is recorded and pictures taken for a news article, it means everything qualifies at this point. Supe bad stretch when I want to hear about the next best budget laptop that does not make you wish you spent more on a screen or

That technology laced sewer must be awesome to make it on Gizmodo the tech blog.

Every grown adult to throw a childish tantrum has thought it was a legitimate concern. This is no different, and a few bad actors among literally hundreds of millions of people in this country doesn’t change that. Unless you want to discuss the people burning police cruisers and smashing windows in Oakland because


Actually, I said that. Not Matt. And I don’t give two shits about marginalizing or disenfranchising the fucking idiots who voted for Trump. Fuck them straight to hell and fuck their bullshit concerns. They were duped by a hatemonger into thinking that a country with 4.9% unemployment — the envy of the Western world,

This actually helps. Thank you.