
I really want to respect her but she enables him 

So we’re at a point where the media can’t raise alarm about something dangerous the president says in a press briefing? He is not some guy, he is the god damn President. Of course the media is gonna cover what he says specially if what he says is irresponsible and dangerous. No, it’s not the media’s job to provide

Sorry who?

He does in the era of social distancing 

Have you heard of India?

China unleashed the virus. That is a complete separate conversation from how you react as a government to a pandemic. South Korea figured it out, so did Singapore and Japan. I definitely agree that there’s a conversation to be had about wet markets in China after this is over. However to try to justify the U.S

So you hate highlighting the fact that China has been more helpful than the federal government even it’s factually true? What kind of journalism are you looking for? The one that tells u Trump is doing a great job? There’s only one network Ull get those kinds of “news” from and it ain’t Gawker.

Oh ya that super effective China travel ban...OH but a few days later the White House had the brilliant idea to send staff to receive the first corona virus evacuees without PPE, which resulted in the first community spread cases reported in California in February. But I guess that wasn’t alarming enough so Trump

Can you be my best friend?

Trump could have ordered manufacturers to begin making ventilators 8 weeks ago. Trump could have also not downplayed the virus as he did for so long in order to get more people to shelter in and flatten the curve. Trump could have also be working closely with China for equipment instead of insisting on calling it the

SARS wasn’t quite a crisis for the U.S. Anyhow it was Bush’s term anyway so thanks!

Uh? many of those aren’t even American nor moments of crisis.

Katrina, 9/11, 2008 financial crisis, Maria, Corona Virus.

I swear all major disasters hit when a Republican is in the White House. It’s like they know that’s the best time to inflict the most damage thanks to their willfully ignorant and dangerous disconnect from the facts.

Am I the only one reading this with level 10 skepticism?

Is this movie a collection of Tik Tok videos?


What a ridiculous thing to celebrate over on national TV. What is wrong with people

Phew, Thank God I’m on XP

Is boomer short for boomerang? Asking for a friend