
The timeline and politics of the time points to the Cuban-American mafia in Florida. JFK got murdered right after he tried to get a meeting with Castro at a time where very powerful Cuban burocrats wanted Castro’s head on a platter. There’s something rather dangerous that drives USA and Cuba politics, something that

To claim that FaceID is copying from Android is like saying that the first powered aircraft mimicked the aerodanamic features of someone jumping off a cliff. Pretty please

Similar concepts, radically different technologies. Ure comparing a dynamo to a solar panel.

I’m still confused as to why android users keep claiming that Android did “FaceID” first. I know of face scanners and retina scanners on Android phones but they’re all pretty gimmicky compared to this.

The only problem is the keyboard. People need to get over the need of a physical keyboard. However has to be encouraged via Software Interfaces that rely more on touch and less on pointer devices. Too much legacy crappy software is slowing us down.

That’s just poor journalism, don’t think we can stop that.

I don’t see the issue as long as there is a disclaimer stating that research X hasn’t gone under the scrutiny of peer review. That or the opposite, which is to give peer reviewed research some sort of identifiable seal so that users can easily determine the validity of some publications versus others.

The empathetic side of me really wants to care.

Trump’s strategy, fuck with Mexico, fuck with Canada, fuck with Australia and Germany and France. Piss of the Chinese, become a Putin puppet. Lower troop morale by banning transgender from the military. Proceed to make a dumbass speach to instigate a war with a nuclear North Korea. America has no idea yet what they

That is why you don’t put idiots to run powerful countries. It’s a matter of time before he drags us all into a war nobody asked for. This will not end well. If the U.S thinks that Russia and China will just stand by the sidelines, they’re delusional at best.

Vigilante señor! Mi casa, tu casa, una cerveza, dos cervezas, tacos, tequila, si.

Cuban American terror groups only have one plan, to bring the Cuban government down. They never gave 2 shits about bombing hotels full of tourists in the 90s what makes you think they’ll give a crap about Canadian diplomats.

“an advanced sonic weapon that operated outside the range of audible sound”

Or they could just give a reliability score to certain outlets.

The Chinese are not gonna like this.

Just like talking about the radical Islam ideology in the aftermath of the Bataclan massacre was insensitive to the victims...said no one ever. Please get this clown off the job he is not qualified for.

God did it

I didn’t say Apple Pay needed Touch ID. Keyword “impact”.

Something that can be solved with an adapter is not that impactful, at least not for me. However they just added Touch ID a few years back and a chunk of useful apps support it. I got 30 characters long passwords because Touch ID makes this possible. Common tasks like unlocking my phone, paying for things and banking

IF that’s the case I’m actually not upgrading for the first time in 10 years. It just doesn’t make any sense to remove something that has become such a big standard on the iPhone and the iPad. I’d take the LCD display any day over losing Touch ID to OLED.