
So you prefer to vote for the party that actively tried to deprive Americans of health insurance over the party that got a little annoying over ethics concerns. Gotcha

Believe me, we live in a simulation created by the Chinese and only I can get fix this.

Russian Bank says...[insert bs story here]

Oh no he didn’t. That was freaking awesome. I miss Zelda Ocarina of Time :(

Anything with a rest API swill work on a web browser. It’s up to the product team to determine whether or not they want users locked into a platform vs the web given the limitations of the browser compared to native apps.

We need a functional democracy for our amendments to have any meaning. If there’s probable cause of colusion between the Trump campaign and Rusia, then this becomes a matter of National Security and it will be the responsibility of the intelligence agencies to investigate and dig out whatever intel they have on the

Hell no, if we ever needed the NSA is during this administration. Make no mistake, the only reason why republicans are questioning the reach of the NSA is because they straight up fear what they could find out would be VERY detrimental to this presidency. If that is the case, then whatever they are hiding is bad


Honestly it’s not our fault that your environmental engineering degree can’t get you a job.

Any domain that serves an HTML page or any page that the browser can render is technically a website. This is regardless of the content or complexity of the overall architecture of the site. Please stop comment/star baiting.

Knowing his base... let’s buy the same domains with a typo and redirect them all to ImpeachTrump.com

Yes but in this case he used his government tweeter account.

It’s not an opinion, it’s a promotion. If you cant go on with your life without using your public accounts to advertise products then don’t get into public office. Become an instagrammer or a YouTuber instead.

What worries is that this implies to some degree that Amazon is paying Trump appointees for advertising...Either that or this guy is just an idiot. Regardless Amazon might want to consider getting their PR team involved.

Oh buddy, you won’t have a reason to underperform

Don’t think you can handle it

You’re too easy to impress.

What’s a Microsoft?

Gizmodo ain’t yours. If you mess with Giz, you are messing with all of us... so please do us all a favour and learn how to scroll past the articles you are not interested in.

I feel like we need the alternative facts version of your post.