
Correction: This is the mcdonalds of technology websites, so we can’t really expect smart/educated comments from the community. For that, we have reddit.

Apple never had a removable battery and this was never an issue. This is just bad product quality.

Tell us how you really feel

Motorola, HTC and Apple ain't recalling phones over explosion incidents so no. Next!

That incident was never connected to the iPhone itself. Cute try tho ;)

If this was an iPhone exploding...oh jesus lord help us

I was talking about hardware not software. The hardware in smartphones is built close to its limits. In contrast a PC is built with plenty of future potential. The PCs mother boards allow you to install a better processor, better ram and better graphics card. You can have a good 2-3 years of part swapping/upgrade

Sounds easier than it is. In most cases swapping a single part for a better part would require updating other parts as well. Also building modular parts that function in this way (the engineering and manufacturing requirements are far more complex) would make the overall phone(and the parts) so expensive that U’d be

You are picking something you are passionate about and then overanalyzing scenes from a popular TV show. Yes there is a big difference between some guy getting arrowed in the face and a woman being stripped and sexually assaulted; the first one is far worse. Raping is bad, but so is killing, torture, stealing and

I think you are talking about something else. Yes city players will have more issues in general out of the mere fact that there are more active players in the cities than in rural areas. My comment makes no claims whatsoever to deny that fact. As such, the point presented is very specific to this article which is

City players already have a huge advantage compared to any other player out there. If Niantic bans you for farming way too much xp too quickly, because you just so happened to be lucky enough to be in an area with a 10 pokespot loop(all running lures) that you can do in 5 minutes, IT IS OK. It aint the end of the

City players already have a huge advantage compared to any other player out there. If Niantic bans you for farming way too much xp too quickly, because you just so happened to be lucky enough to be in an area with a 10 pokespot loop(all running lures) that you can do in 5 minutes, IT IS OK. It aint the end of the


While I agree with all of this I almost feel like it still doesn’t matter. Brazil has put far more effort into this “robbery” story than to the countless accounts of violence and murder that take place in multiple parts of this country. Once again is all about looking good on the face of international exposure. It’s

He managed to rescue the woman and the dog. That guy is a true hero. I'm glad everything turned out ok in the end.

Was I the only one going like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat while reading this post?

VW should be figuring out ways of using Pokemon go to their advantage not blocking the game all together. If they are worried about the camera they can simply ask their workers to shut off the AR while playing the game.

One and only one, you can’t do more than one. 2 if the other one already presented his/her resignation.

I liked it. It was a fun movie to watch. I had no expectations because I just randomly decided to head to the theatres and check it out. I had not read a single review yet and I glad that was the case, otherwise I would have built a pessimistic bias towards a movie that was actually worth watching. As I walked out of

Let’s make sure we install one in Washington like around November.