
Human - I love my dog! Go doggy!!! PEW PEW, YOU ARE JUST........AWESOME!

A long press/tap would allow you to delete/move an app on the app drawer, or copy, select, replace functionality on text, images and other media on an x number of apps. It also is a much slower type of interaction, it requires a long-tap event in order to know the different between tap and tap and hold. 3D touch or

Most people dont live their lives thinking about what would happen if everyone reads all the crap they type on their cellphones. What you are describing is proactive criminal activity, when you are constanly worried about what you are saying or typing... I assume that Apple’s encryption policy is more useful for

You never know when you will actually care. By the time you do, it’ll probably be too late. The law is more strict than it is fair, never forget that.

Mmmmmmm if these users enabled their messages to be saved on iCloud, Apple could force a reset on their user account, then make a new password for that user and with those credentials they should be able to download the messages (along with the encryption key) to another iPhone. So there is a way...a highly

They generally don’t “hook up”. What he is saying does not mean that all women behave the same way but in general, most of them do. As a matter of fact, lesbians are the most stable couples, followed by straight couples and in last place, ta da! gay couples. so yes, the more dick in the relationship the more likely

I shat my pants

This piece is missing “Sponsor by LYFT”

This weird article is the best example that explains why we can’t have nice things.


Right when I thought there was no hope, i found your comment. Phew!

Fucking genius

You sometimes need an excuse to force ur friends to party and hangout. Birthdays are right on top of the list of perfect excuses. So please stop, if she wants yo take the day off leave her the f alone and mind ur own business.

No, actually my butt hurts for completely different reasons.

Gayest hashtag I have ever come across

More like she got hit on the face with an Apple. All she does is to come up with excuses to reject ANY streaming service there is. She was most likely expecting Apple to reject her note then use that as her excuse to explain why she refuses to support Apple Music. All of a sudden Apple is the amazing company that

Apple doesnt have to, but they are basically doing whatever it takes to make Apple Music succesful. If not paying artists during the 3 month trial is going to create that much bad P.R for them then they might as well suck it up even if they dont have to.

I think this back fired for Taylor Swift. I don’t think she really expected Apple to react positively to her open letter. I mean come on, all she does is to come up with excuses to reject ANY streaming service there is. She was most likely expecting Apple to reject her note then use that as her excuse to explain why

“We don’t ask you for free iPhones. Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.”

LOL! Almost all of the listings posted on the article already sold.