
Because SSL certificates are so cheap right

Alan Turin

Well that escalated quickly.

;) sup

You completely missed the point or stopped reading half way through. Patent trolls should not be awarded wins this large. The End.

This is a terrible precedent for the rest of the industry. Now the same patent troll is going after Samsung. Certainly this article did its best to try to make  look like a crying baby while ignoring the actual problem with a veridict where a patent troll company wins half a billion dollars without making a single

I was pretty sure the last thing Beijing needed was more fog.

I swear the first thing I said was : "We need a better society before we can have nice things". So I dont understand why you think we are in disagreement. The only difference being that I realize that while technology can be misused, that should not prevent us from moving forward. It has been proven that people have

Technology comes from people very smart people who strive to make things different. It doesnt come from a monster in the sky who is trying to dominate us. So chill out. Are you in Toronto? Its snowing quite a bit here.

no need to be a hipster about it. Some of us are attracted to technology, and we really dont care if u hate us for it.

we need a better society before we can have nice things

Thats like asking the purpose of humans to have 10 fingers instead of 12. Mutations dont always have to be useful for anything in particular. Organisms are not purposeful things.While our environmenr might dictate which traits are better suited for survival that does not mean that every single trait is necessary or

Putting the blame on the country that allows these violations in the first place won't do much at all, these countries have bigger problems to worry about. The best way is by having foreign corporations dictate the rules where their business is wanted. At the end it all comes down to monetary incentive and PR. If a

For some reason the headline and main picture just makes it look as if Microsoft was about to come out of the closet.

If your company has an issue with the word fuck in the headlines of a news article they probably also have an issue with you reading anything non work related during working hours...either way, you are fucked.

oh snap! I like u.

Had no idea this was coming. About god damn time.

Women put tons of powder and cream on their faces every day to appear a certain way, is this how you think of every woman on earth?

She looks perfectly happy to me, the only sadness came out of your comment. Do you want to talk about it?

We benefit humanity when we dont judge people for their life choices. When we learn to appreciate artisitic expresion and we learn that leading a happy life is far more important.