
Android OEMs would do the same or worse. Thank god  is not Android, because unlike Android manufacturers they do have the money to spare on customer experience and easily shift their storage capacity to start at 32GB.

No you don't.  can easily increase storage without forcing their lower model to stay on 16Gb, they did the same when it used to be 8GB. So no you are wrong,  is just trying to make more money by fragmenting their user base, which goes against everything they stand for. At this point you are just over justifying.

So you moved on to iOS because of Android's fragmentation and poor gaming experience yet you defend  when it comes to storage limitations that leave users not only stuck on legacy iOS but also not capable of installing any decent 3D game due to file size.

1. Many people are not good at all with computers

Lol why would I lie about owning specific Apple gear? As if you doubting me will just simply make all equipment in my office disappear(yes I'm a f#cking poet), fortunately that is not how reality works. I just hope you don't think I'm an Android user/fanboy, did you even take 2 minutes to check my comment history? I'm

And just 4 years ago multitouch screen tablets were not a thing. I guess people should just stick to their Windows Tablet PCs and stop being so picky no?

How so? I was happy the whole time

Uh? I own two iPhone 6+ 64Gb, my iPad Air 64Gb is on its way, I also own a Macbook Retina Display, 1 Macbook Air, 2 Thunderbolt Displays, 3 Apple TVs, 1 Airport Express, 1 Airport Extreme and all the lights in my house are Hue. That being said, my comment is not made from a personal limitation but from a developer

Amazing! Now Apple since you already thought this through, how about starting your storage capacity for the new iPhones at 32Gb instead of 16GB? Whats that? Profit margins you say? Well make up your f minds. Do you want to provide a good user experience or not? Having a shit ton of people stuck on legacy software

Stock photo detected!

I feel like just i just run into a midget circle jerk thread. JK!

I still don't understand the rational of a compnay signing a contract with  getting millions of dollars in advance , then failing to meet said contract's requirements, going on panic mode, filing for bankrupcy, blaming it on  and finally expecting not to have to pay anything back? wtf?

Its probably all Creationists conflicted with the facts of Evolution.

Guy with a taser : Yo! Sorry bro! Are you ok????

I know it is in order to maintain a climbing revenue but I just don't think it is worth the risk. I struggled with 32Gg when the iOS8 update came around just like you did. I can only imagine what it would be for someone with half that storage. By keeping 16GB base models around Apple is also leaving a big chunk of the

an OS takes over near 50% of the install base in 3 weeks and you call that a failure? You guys are way too spoiled lol. Anyhow, i believe 2 key factors will help boost iOS 8 adoption: app upgrades demanding the latest OS, and  watch. I do agree that iOS 8 was way too "heavy". I have no idea how Cupertino decided to

And people still wonder why im gay.

All good here. Just got it yesterday. I cant wait for more apps to begin adapting their UI for it. Right now most most of them look blown up. The size is a bit awkward but i love how solid it feels(she said?). The camera is actually pretty good and if you put high res wallpapers on this thing they look freaking

The amount of positivism in this comment section is simply disgusting.
