
The bible is not less of a myth than any other form of religious record. You can believe whatever you like and you are entitled to that and so are those who preffer to call things by their name. If that is too insulting then that is a problem for the believer to internally work on not on the author to censor himself

When you bomb a plane full of Cuban athletes(Cubana Flight 455), when you send 1500 troops to invade the island(Bay Of Pigs Invasion), when the CIA carries out 110 attacks with dynamite, planted 200 bombs, derailment of six trains, hijacking of 160 planes and burning of 150 factories and 800 plantations. When you have

Cuba's internet ain't restricted, there just aren't many places where you can get it due to the embargo and complete lack of infrastructure. You could be kicked out of University for spreading anti castro material you found on the internet on campus but the web while proxied, it really isnt restricted just limited to


I think this is more of an enhancement than anything else. I dont see people being annoyed by this additions.

Maybe those are their realy feelings towards iwatch

So North America is leading only with 19 hours of internet use...but that does not count as reading?


and after 2005 all cellphones began to look like an iphone.

Call me crazy but usually what i do is to unplug the phone when i use it and plug it back to the charger when it goes back in my pocket. If we really want to get picky about what is more comfortable to do i can assure you that any decent charger beats external batteries any day for the following reasons:

so its more convinient to carry around 3 batteries as opposed to a single charger? Cant see it. I dont know about the chargers u've seen but the one I bought charges my iPhone just as fast as a wall plug.

I hear people saying they switched from iPhone to Samsung. From personal experience, the friends I know that have done so, have regretted it after a few months and went back to iPhone. I wonder what criteria people follow when switching platforms, is this solely based on screen size? I find the overall experience on

There are battery chargers for iPhones that can give you 100% charge 3 times on a single charge and they are about the size of that spare battery for your samsung device. I still don't understand the whole "swappable" battery problem, I guess Im smarter than most?

It feels weird for me to "manually" unlock my ipad since for the last 3 months ive gotten so used to having my fingerprint unlock my iphone 5S in less than 2 seconds. This is not a gimmick by any extent as it does add value to the overall user experience. Gimmicks are features that people rarely use, features that are

In a perfect world...f u all. yolo

Listen buddy, that is not something to be proud of or thankful for. The oppressed should not be thanking the oppressor, the oppressor should be ASHAMED of having taken so long to develop such basic levels of commons sense and respect for human dignity. It is OUR duty to give back stolen rights to minorities and we

A little bit too late...

lol i hope the 5 gizmodo users that own a Chromebook and bought enough periferals to pick a favourite, are online within the next 12 hours before this article disappears into archive territory.

in 50 million years rats can keep planet earth to themselves. We humans really wont care.
