
Im Canadian...

I just came here to see who won...apparently i have to read the whole thing and decide by myself? Worst article ever.

Both systems offer near identical experiences gaming wise. All the way from Graphics to available content. In that regard they are equally good so it would come down to which one is cheaper to get. However, the XBOX One offers a lot more beyond gaming with their approach to a fully integrated system paired with a

"...in a way that doesn't sacrifice that feeling of tightness. They also have the most delightful grippy texture around their edges."

No, I cant see it.

I want it!

Even the best driver in the world living in the city with the lowest traffic accidents rate in the world has a higher chance of dying in a car crash than on a plane crash. The only reason why plane crashes are scarrier is because you actually know you will die quite a few minutes before it happens and you cant do shit

Google and Amazon make almost no profit off hardware sales(of their popular offers), that is their model-sell the hardware cheap and make the money off software and advertising. This has nothing to do with being "fair". What surprises me is people who think that corporations like Google and Amazon base their pricing

The Play Store does not have more tablet apps than the AppStore does. I didnt say it had 10 apps.

There are a lot of productivity apps for iPads and this year even the entire iWorks suite is free so I think that is very weak argument. You do agree that iOS has a lot of good apps but then you argue that many are just a remake of other apps as if this were applicable to the AppStore only. Truth is this is the same

I dont know what iPad you owned before but facebook runs smoother on the iPad Air and Mini than it does on any Nexus. I personally had countless web performance problems with Nexus tablets(I run several tests on these things for a living) that didnt even exist on an iPad 1. If i were to buy an Android tablet tomorrow

Brian what is your opinion about Amazon and Google selling hardware at barely no profit? Would you say this can be detrimental to the tablet business as a whole since most OEMs get their profits off hardware sales unlike A & G? Do you think this could affect the quality of hardware we can hope for in the future?

I bought an Air this time around because it got so much lighter and thinner but if you really like 7-8" tablets, the mini is the one to get. In this particular case it is completely worth what you pay for it. Apple has minimal restrictions when it comes to the quality of their tablets because they sell at a healthy

Google Play does not have better apps for tablets(as a whole) than iOS does. The iPad mini counts with hundreds of thousands of apps fully optimized for it. Most Android tablet apps are blown up smartphone apps. Not to say you made a bad purchase, The Nexus 7 is a great device for the price but if software quality was

never heard of functional BS before...

pick me, I know Javascript

How's the build quality, in the unboxing video everything looked pretty cheap for some reason. Does it feel/look like a premium product or more like a "Hey we have to make money somehow" product?

First of all, thats what she said. But yes the tip is thick, but that does not mean it isnt good enough or that Apple wont change the surface contact when they introduce this new screen technology.

Well you dont have to bring the house down to throw a party lol. For instance Xmas is coming up. I got over 20 hue bulbs on my main floor, I can easily follow the whole red/green theme to complement everything else. There are plenty of ways and situations under which having the options to set your lights to any colour

Wacom already makes stylusus for Apple's tablets.