
What an ugly device.

Awesome job! Pretty much everything came down to "border-radius". Im impressed with the fact that he managed to re-use the markup for each version of the mouse, which allowed him to be able to transition the transformation, that was pretty cool and quite challenging. I have to say he cheated with the Apple logo. That

It has nothing to do with putting a camera in your phone. It has everything to do with software, interface and third party apps. Ultimately these are one of the major contributions that have made smartphone's camera as successful as they are today.

That wasnt an argument, it was a proposition.

You would think NYT's reporters get paid enough to upgrade their smartphones instead of posting nonsense on their work's website.

lol I read that article this morning when I was on the bus and my first reaction was "lol WTF?". I was going to leave a comment on the NYT's comment section but then I realized I had to sign up for it...so I gave up altogether. Anyways this is why I dont visit the NYT to read technology news.

Motorola is in no position to buy anybody, they were bought themselves.

The perfect smartphone for my anxiety issues, I could just rock that thing on the table like forever.

I wonder if people see b with angular brackets and associated with what they've seen on Microsoft Word. I guess its possible. Seems far fetched tho.

Err, Thats an iOS6 keyboard! iWatch got leaked.

For shortness? Thats your argument? You can do inline styles as well for shortness(validator wont complain) and drop a couple of font tags here and there while you're at it.

What you are saying dounds like it could make sense but Im conflicted about a couple of things:

Looks like they used a reflector.

There are cases under which the use of b tags is understandable; very particular isolated cases that is. For the most part, html must remain highly semantic since at this point in time in year 2013, that is what HTML markup is extremely good at: semantics. That is the purpose of using "strong" as opposed to "b" tags.

Any decent HTML/CSS/Javascript developer(Front-End Developer) that makes an effort to explain HTML, would not even think of "b" tags. The fact that the speaker on this video went on to explain HTML by introducing "b" tags tells me how inexperienced he really is with this particular mark-up language which

I stopped watching when he introduced "b" tags.


lol best convo ever

If Apple changes the size of the iPhone next year...

Great article Jamie