
So instead of paying landscapers for this job they get animals that cost a fraction to get the work done.

Anything black and cylindrical will remind you of a million other things that are also black and cylindrical, like duh. From garbage cans to a nuclear weapon to a can of coke. It is a very simply shape. Now let's grow up for once.

I still don't get what the problem is. I don't remember the last time i had no Internet at home and the last thing that would occur to me in that situation would be to play frigging XBox. I would probably go rollerblade, walk my dog or something. Besides 99% of my gameplay is multiplayer so I NEED Internet to enjoy my

I googled you. This is what i know about you:

by that logic, there is "freedom of speech" everywhere on Earth.

I don't see the importance of the Nexus tablet or the GS3 . The Nexus is just a tablet sold at cost just like the Kindle Fire. The GS3 is just another cheaply made Android handset that is even inferior to many other smartphones currently in the market like the iPhone 5 and HTC One X. I mean compare these two to the

where them flying cars at?

Apple haterzzz is an irrational cult full of irrational people with irrational motives and idiotic goals.


I can understand other companies like HTC and Motorola when it comes to this patent war. I have no respect for Samsung though, they copy more than they need to, they are so shameless about it that I believe they deserve to be taught a lesson and everybody else should just get licensing deals with Apple like HTC and

Samsung is actually the one under anti-trust fire from the EU for counter suing with FRAND parents. Apple will never be a target of anti-trust complains for as long as they build their cases upon granted non standard essential patents.

Who's that guy in the middle of the dessert

Built quality is not subjective when the Nexus is a budget tablet. Performance is also not subjective when every single app runs faster and smoother on the mini. Web browsing on the iPad mini is also faster and smoother. You can convince urself of whatever else but that will not change the simplest fact

So the down side is that it's difficult to upgrade(that must be new) and that the screen is hard to wipe?

It has better quality than a Nexus, it sells by far better than a Nexus and it performs better than a Nexus and the Apple products that your superior refuses to buy are no indicator of the quality of that product but his lack of interest on this product which is not surprising if he probably already has an iPad.

I have the Nexus on my hands right now, I gave it as a present to my brother in law and setting it up. Even switching images on Google images for tablet lags big time while my iPad mini couldn't be any smoother. You are too concern about things that work for you that others simply do not care about. You are

The wheels won't stop spinning for as long as you keep coming back with absurd arguments.

USB slots, torrent downloads, file deletion(i can delete most media on my iPad btw), FLV, swapable memory and file transfer are not features inherent to the Nexus but to all Android tablets. You basically said nothing new there, the iPad, mini or not has never had any of those features and the Nexus is far from being

That is the problem I use the Nexus consistently and it is a slow tablet that is easily outperformed by the mini. Good ppi is great but that is not the single indicator to determine screen quality as we all know. The Nexus is a budget tablet it is very cheaply made so really it is no where close to being ahead of the