
My IQ is 147 and I got the answer wrong, the tests involve complex formulas and visual logic. I take it your IQ test was designed differently.

I take it your answer was 10 cents

iphone X

water flows uphill?????????

You're either slow or you just can't read. It says GIZMODO on the URL.

you need both for that?

Finally i might end up using IE after 7 years

poor cleaning lady

Google drive is a drive with the google colors on it.

Why is this any better than dropbox again?

Right now 5 months after release you are getting max $300 for a Nexus in good conditions, by the end of the year(near the new nexus upgrade) you will be lucky if you get $200 for your old Nexus. Apple has not discounted the iPhone 4S and it never will until the new one comes out. Right now you can easily sell your

I got beat and Im still good

good price but that should have been the initial price to begin with. I can only imagine current nexus owners that payed full price for the equivalent handset, they wont be able to sell their Nexus for more than $300 and by the end of this year probably even less. It makes it incredibly difficult to get hardware

I thought we had a certain degree of intelligence that manifests differently across various fields. You might have a high IQ for computations and as a result have a very small IQ for IR intelligence. The study does show an increase on brain power due to gene X but it fails to determine intelligence overall as this

$400 and $100/year commitment... no

music, movies, pictures thats all code. <3 torrents

What happens if someone sells me his iPhone and 2 days later he reports it stolen? Is there a way I can transfer ownership?

$1500 is pretty damn cheap for a couch that size.

Couldnt they get a pretty model for the video, I couldnt get my eyes off his lips I was like....why....then i was like ew .....then I was like.....really? then i was like ew....couldnt focus

they call it coincidence. Aso 9 months aint that long for a relationship, let me know when get married and have kids.