
They ripped off Greg Giraldo for <i>Brokeback Mountain</i>.


At the risk of gross generalization, the people who are capable of being educated about why rape is bad are already aware of that fact.

…and the Shrimp Shack Shooters!

Country AND Western!

I watched their performance on Colbert, and for the first time ever I thought, "Tony, it's time to hang it up." He'll never lose his way with a song, but his instrument is about shot. Sad. I've always respected him, so I hope he doesn't try to hang on the way Sinatra did. Accept that you've had an amazing run, and go

I've not been to prison, but conventional wisdom suggests that male-on-male rape is a norm there, whether straight or gay.

And for "I'm kicking my ass, do you mind?"

…who he freely describes as someone who has no business calling ANYONE crazy, even if it is Jenny McCarthy.

So a highly trained CIA operative, who presumably has been exposed to all kinds of mock torture including hallucinogenics, was unable to deduce in her apartment that she was tripping balls because someone switched her meds? And then takes more of the same bad meds? I call shenanigans.

I inferred "Sooo… you're gonna tell me how the Jews have never persecuted others in the name of their religion?"

I don't see season 5 as necessarily a harbinger, though. Stories in past seasons have taken some unexpectedly wild turns - perhaps the season arc is not set in stone at the beginning of filming? Maybe they just couldn't figure out where to go last season. This show has been so good so often that I trust Graham Yost to

Why are some high quality series choosing to end while still at a creative peak, and maintaining or even growing in popularity? I can see it in cases like Breaking Bad, where the narrative arc had a definite endpoint. But Mad Men, Justified, Parks & Rec - are all going strong, and could continue to be great for years

"Parks stood up for the pacificism that was essential to Bronson."

I wiki'd the album to refresh my memory. I see your point. There are a few songs (Tuesday Heartbreak, Blame It on the Sun) that are less than memorable. But how many artists are still maintaining such a high level on their 15th album?
And it has fucking "Superstition".

Hey, Aurora, sounds like this could be your lucky day.
If you don't mind.

WTF? That hat was fucking awesome, as was everything about him.

Hadn't considered that, but you're absolutely right. The things he knows would make him an invaluable hostage for any anti-American force.

You can't fix stupid.

What's a pitch?