
There is something about this video that simultaneously fascinates me, and engenders a strong sense of sadness. By adding a dimension to the past in this way, the relentless march of time feels remarkably tangible. These people had hopes and dreams, family dinners, stubbed toes. We are mere cosmological moments away

I was going to do a whole Friday, Friday motif, but then I realized the potential inappropriate associations, considering Rebecca Blacks age. I'm not touching that one, considering the nature of the photo.

As soon as I realized I copied a 'do not copy' picture, I pasted it at the next site I encountered, in order to be rid of it. Phew! Copyright crises averted.

W-t-f. Perhaps in a sunny beach setting?

"My point is, that to last you have to be good already and have some creative animal in you. " Yes, I very much a agree with you. Learning the techniques, and mastering the equipment is important, but perhaps secondary to an innate sense of aestheticism, and creativity.

Please justify to me that how this photo could be construed as anything other than a cry for help. Perhaps it is a kind of performance art. My 6 year old has a better understanding of composition and aesthetics. This poor women looks as though she's about to lay a deuce.

You are among friends. Grade 4, Elmer's glue, dry on palm and peel...... heaven.

I'm sorry to hear about your Ouma's diagnoses. The silver lining is good people and science. I found it hard to watch as well, and very touching.

Yes, that seems to be the concensus. I truly hope they are able to aclimate and thrive in a more open enviroment.

As I tell my children when they express concern about the ghost in the corner, or the monster in the closet; humanity has had thousands of years to come up with proof for their supernatural claims. Zip, zilch, nada. Every single claim from ignorance has been supplanted by a comprehensible scientific explanation. The

Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick about it.....

I absolutely agree with you about the likelihood that controls were an issue in regards to the chimps. It could be argued that conditions were a necessary evil to avoid contaminating the results. I nonetheless feel compassion for them, and admit to a somewhat visceral reaction. No, I am not arguing that this specific

relatives plural of rel·a·tive (Noun)

Well, I'm definitively not in the PETA category. Chimps ARE our closest living relatives in evolutionary terms. In some sense, I believe we are more or less related to every living creature. It seems to me that when a society tolerates the abuse of animals, there is a direct correlation to the level of enforced civil

What a pathetic way to treat our closest living relatives. It seems absolutely clear to me that these are sentient creatures, and it breaks my heart to imagine the psychological trauma visited upon these chimps. In anticipation of those who will decry my sympathy for my simian cousins in favor of homo-sapiens; yes, I

That was absolutely beautiful. Hearted.

An atheists nightmare....The Banana - "Notice it has a point at the top for easy entry. It's just the right shape for the human mouth... and it's even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier." I'm not sure what he's getting at, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a 'nightmare', so much as a

Someone took the idea of a hooter shooter too seriously. I bet they felt like a real boob afterwards.

Rape: a physical invasion of a sexual nature committed on a person under circumstances which are coercive. You might argue that as a male, Jason may be affected in ways different than the average female, but this does not change the fact that he was raped. It is not OK to to suggest that males are open to

Very elucidating. Thank-you for your explanation.