The Rabbit's Den

Like that episode of South Park where Cartman has the antenna in his butt, and Kyle has to activate it by touching it, and each time he gets close Cartman farts?

Okay, here me out: I think a bird did it. Why? Because they still haven't erased that from the whiteboard. And - AND! - that owl, right? Stealing the bagel? Owls are nocturnal, aren't they? So what was it doing out DURING THE DAY? Plus, the taxidermist office - all the birds everywhere. Yup. Leaning towards bird.

This was a fantastic episode. I laughed out loud on a couple occasions, and yes, those mainly revolved around Ben Folds. My favorite gag was the first time he brought up willing to offer to tell what "Brick" was really about, and Vernon (who is normally giddy and excitable, as you could see during Jimmy's "heckles")

He weirdly reminds me of an older, punkier Marty McFly in this. Maybe with a dash of sounding like the bagel voiced by Edward Norton in Sausage Party. So….I'm in?

Craziest thing is that Francis Scott Key actually wrote The Star Spangled Banner as a love letter to Chrissy Teigen. The ramparts that were so gallantly streaming? Yup. That's about her butt.

My favorite memory of Deus Ex is (not sure if this is a spoiler, as I can barely remember it) but at some point I had to kill someone, or let them go, or whatever. Like, one of those "choose your morality" things. I think it was on a plane.

I think it was very telling (and almost a bit TOO telling) when Howard opens up to Kim and says that he had thought about private practice, but was pushed towards HHM by his father. In that moment it made sense as to why he so reveres Chuck and, in many ways, despises Jimmy and Kim. He is a man who is easily

There was only one guilty man in Shawshank, for example.

Did you mention the music that played while Todd kept digging himself further into his situation? The variation on the theme but all melancholic, almost accusatory? That made me giggle every time, mixed with Mel Rodriguez's facial expressions. Also, this episode was incredibly funny. I enjoyed laughing. I like

Matt and James weekly column on breakfast cereals please and thank you.

"I mean, how does that joke make it through rewrites? How does such a rote, dated, stale idea make it into the script of a mainstream comedy?"

Is this satire? If it's not, I'm utterly confused. CDs practically invented the "skip track" function. I have so many albums I never listened to in full because I decided tracks 3 or 9 or whatever were worth skipping. CD sound quality is worse than vinyl. CDs, with just the tiniest hint of a scratch, can be

Ha. Foil. Nice.

I predict that he will have a heart attack, and Jimmy will want to save him with a defibrillator, but then remember that he is allergic to electricity and refuse to do so because he "cares" for his brother.

Do you pie?

Nah. She wanted Jimmy to show initiative and realize his potential (i.e. that he's a great lawyer and should act as such) and him taking the job at the firm solidified that he was doing both of those things. She wants what's best for him, not for his bank account. Kinda weird you read into it like that.

I've only seen about 1.5-2 episodes of Love, somewhere in the middle, while my roommates binged it. I've seen every episode of YTW. Now, that being out of the way, You're the Worst is unequivocally better in every single way, with realistic (yet also a wee bit satirical or overblown but just barely not overdone)

My bad! I couldn't find the clip, only the quote, and it said "Alfred Borden" and I immediately assumed it was Caine because, well, Alfred.

I kiiiinda liked the Minutemen ending, but when it ended I just sorta felt "meh". I explored around a bit, but it started to get tiresome.

I'm gonna play some more Dying Light: The Following. I didn't realize how far I'd progressed through the main storyline already (like 43% or something) so I need to do more side quests. There seems like a lot of things to do and explore, including upgrading my dune buggy, but sometimes I just get bored and drop kick