The Rabbit's Den

Yeah! Send them away! To, like, my house. Where I can drink them. Because I love them.

Yeah, are we gonna get a documentary on Bumblebee Man next?

Also anecdotally, I live on the West Coast, and the two convenience stores I've grown up on were both owned and operated by Indian families.

I'd love to see this! It's a fascinating topic. I think, in Apu's defense, he is a rather *human* character (has flaws, quick to anger, compassionate, sympathetic, etc.) and so while his voice, job, appearance may be stereotypical, I do feel like some (not all) episodes have done a decent job of fleshing him out a bit.

I had Croc sandals for a period around college, in LA. They were very comfortable, they never smelled, and they dried off easily. All in all, a solid product.

Didn't know it was cool to hate on South Park until I saw this comment section. Thanks, AV Club, for reminding me how uncool I am!

And the first thing he said on the teleprompter was "G'day Melbourne".

He got better.

I'm going to try and not be cliche! For some reason, I adore and jam out to the guitar solo in "December Flower" by In Flames, off their first album (before they turned into…whatever they are now). Something about the way the melody rises and falls, it's like climbing up these scales and then down them, and throwing

I have met a lot of people from app dating where after I had met them I thought, "oh, that makes sense as to why they are on this app trying to find people to date", and then I realized that I, too, am on that app to date, and likely people are thinking the same thoughts about me after our dates, and anyway, the point

Bruce Willis, duh.

I still think about the atmosphere and the world-building in this game. When people discuss great video game "worlds", it's easy to think of the Mario universe, Zelda, Fallout, BioShock, etc. but I still find myself wanting to go back into this game. Maybe all the talk of the new Twin Peaks keeps reminding me of it

His buddy Glenn?! I loved him on there for one reason alone, and it was a bit or skit or whatever where Glenn talked about how he liked to hunt, and Tom dressed him up in something or other (maybe camo?) and then just pelted him with a paintball gun, yelling, "How does it feel to be hunted, GLENN?!?"

Wait, isn't Mauro the guy who basically led the host of the Missing Richard Simmons podcast on that wild goose chase? So basically everything bad that happened to Simmons lately is directly because of some douchebag who just wanted to harass him? Surely there's some sort of law he's breaking (besides maybe blackmail?)

Awww, but he loves pegging!

I read a comment from somewhere else, and I think it nailed it on the head: that one friend of Richard's (can't remember his name) who implied the controversies, about the maid, the manager, etc, led Dan on a bit of a wild goose chase, based on nothing but heresy and speculation. So Dan thought it was going to be this

Worst. Comment. Ever.


I think Larry was pegging it on Alfonso, too.

I find myself yelling at the screen every time she makes a come-on and Josh turns her down. I admire the man's conviction, but at the same time…what the hell, man? Get on that crazy train!