The Rabbit's Den

I thought the tip-off to the whole "twist" is when Michael Caine shows the bird in the cage trick to the little boy, and he asks something like "where's his brother?" The kid knows there were two birds (see: two brothers), and also, it alludes to the fact that something horrible will happen to one of the brothers for

I was really surprised at this grade. The A Plot was very predictable, and tidy, and cliche. Old friend comes into town, new friend gets jealous, old friend has a hidden secret or some other flaw that new friend sees but the main character doesn't? Not exactly treading new ground. Was it funny? Sure, in bits. But the



Kinda hard to perfectly imitate Hank Williams' voice, but Hiddleston's singing (assuming that's him singing, a la Joaquin Phoenix in Walk the Line) doesn't have that *twang* that Hank's had. Sorta broken, screechy, cracking into a yodel every now and then. He's my favorite country artist of all time so maybe I'm

Why is there always some asshat like you that comes into a discussion of art and tries to make everyone feel stupid for dissecting it? If you don't have anything to say outside of "it's FUNNY" then, fine. But don't try and ruin it for the other people who are enjoying discussing it.

This was the worst episode of the season so far, really surprised to see it given an "A" rating. It all felt very predictable, which this show does NOT often do. Gretchen's friends have all moved on without her? Lindsay uses Edgar's affection to make her ex jealous? Jimmy gets stuck with the nerdy guy no one wants to

What a difference a couple months makes!

This message brought to you by Martha Stewart?

AV Club: Makes fun of the fact that no one really cares what Tom DeLonge says about streaming music, writes article about what Tom DeLonge says about streaming music. Makes sense to me!

And today's the day I stopped reading South Park reviews on this site. This is pathetic.

Hmm. I bet a lot of people will vocally detest the set without ever having seen it, decrying it as a sad state of affairs for Legos, and chastising anyone who actually enjoys the set for its mindless entertainment. However, most of the people buying it will not even know that these other people exist, instead buying

What a bunch of clowns.

Did the Homer Simpson one, and it didn't have clips for the words "jerk" or "butt". Therefore, it sucks.

Weird. I never though AC/DC would cover As I Lay Dying.

Terrible review.

5'1" according to IMDB. Tom Mison is 6'1" and Katia Winter is about 5'8". So, not only is she short, but they're also rather tall.

I watched the original Korean version of "The Eye" downstairs in my parent's house, with surround sound, and all the lights off, by myself. I got so creeped out halfway through I had to turn the lights on. Later that night I had nightmares. It still haunts me to this day, remembering that feeling of utter dread I had


Those three children are good at business!