The Rabbit's Den

Huh. Apparently Dr. Luke co-wrote/co-produced the song "Boats 'n' Hoes" from the movie Step Brothers. I don't know if that will enter in as evidence during the trial, but it's an interesting factoid nonetheless.

Why the noise gotta be white, man?

57 is too young. It's too young, dammit.

Wait wait waaaaait. There's a REAL SVU? Holy shit I thought they just made that up for the show. Like, not even a joke, I'm THAT daft.

The best part is the pun of "Crucial Catch", as if they couldn't even bother to just say "Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research" without tying it in to their stupid fucking brand. On the plus side, I'm looking forward to next month's "Go Deep!" campaign for prostate cancer.

This comment took a turn….er.

Well this is an intriguing sequins of events.

I never saw Mafia, but I remember as a kid wanting to see it from the trailers, where they are at some dance outside and a guy says "say hello to my little friend!" and pulls his coat open and a dwarf with an assault rifle comes out guns blazing. Funniest thing to a 13 year-old me.

It's not the same. I know the show's already gone through a lot of changes, but now with another principal cast member out, I don't know. I'll still watch it, I mean, what else am I gonna do with my life? It just makes me sad that things had to happen the way they did. Chevy leaving, then Donald pursuing his rap

I found moments to laugh at this episode, but the more I think about it, the less I like it. Which is a shame, because I do think the "hysteria" over gluten that I've noticed in people (I live near San Francisco, maybe it's more pronounced here?) is absurd. But they just didn't do much with that premise. Lots of

No? I gotta be the guy who says "Stairway to Heaven"? Fine…

I'm thinking I should start saying everything is sexist on Twitter. It seems to be the only way people communicate now.

I hope she gets a bigger presence. I'd like a whole episode on her to be honest. Especially maybe some insight into her and the captain's "relationship" or whatever they briefly alluded to.

Your avatar picture is the icing on this comment's cake.

I thought it was cool that Patti was on the left and Laurie was on the right in their final shot together in the room, just like when they were at the table in that diner. Patti was basically playing therapist in the diner scene, trying to get Laurie to open up about things and she refused. And again here, she says,

Seriously, why is no one talking about this? Or the explosion in the sewer? I mean, I know people are kinda all annoyed by the whole "answers" crap but some of us are actually interested in some of these mysteries!

"I gave her the ol' Bang and Disappear Into Nothingness!" *high five*

I know it's easy to approach this with sarcasm, but the dude obviously has a lot of anger and confusion over the concept of suicide, and doesn't know how to express himself well about it. I'm not saying that he's right in anyway; in fact that's the point I'm making is that he's NOT right.

I like this show and I like this news, now let's go bowling, I'll grab my shoes!