The Rabbit's Den

I feel like Jill and dad turned a corner in this one? Like they finally communicated. There's the miscommunication at the school, but then at home dad tells her about the divorce point blank, and she accepts it, and they say they love each other. I thought that was maybe a sign that things would be better soon for

A comment actually related to the show, now: ATFEC looks weird. Like I kept wondering if there was still an ATF but there was also an ATFEC and how people in either branch would have to explain it.

Matthew Shepherd was white, but I guess when those guys beat him with a pistol and tied him to a fence to die because he was gay, that wasn't a hate crime, eh Sonia?

Sonia, stop reviewing this show, please. AV Club, please make a note of this review and find someone else. I don't care if that person likes the show. At least they can examine it without a lens like Sonia is. At first I just thought the show didn't interest her, but now I can see plainly that she has some sort of

I feel weird after watching that. I don't know. It's like my parents split up and so did my buddy's and then his dad started dating my mom and now I have to call him dad and I don't want to call him dad he's just Roger to me still but my mom is really insistent on it and meanwhile his mom joined a convent and my dad

Well if you really break it down with linguistics, "graphic" means SHUT THE FUCK UP DERE'S BOOBZ AND STUFF.

I love manhattans. They pack a wallop, too. But I find some new "trendy" bars are using Campari in place of sweet vermouth and it tastes just, just awful.

Jesus that was a huge typo on my part haha. Fixed it, cuz yeah, he was the one who definitely shot her down.

This season feels like they're trying to stuff too much into ten episodes. I also felt that way a bit about last season. The flow isn't really there.

I'd put money on it. If he's up for making a random cameo in Eurotrip, surely he'd be up for this.

Yeah knowing how it ends really ruins a movie, that's why Titanic flopped at the box office.

I'm Pro-Anna (as in, Kendrick).

I don't get why Travel Channel pulled the show. Sure, he told someone to kill themselves, but he was doing it for Travel's benefit. After all, they have a handful of ghost shows, maybe he was just helping the casting department?

She's probably wondering why she's never gotten a card in the mail…

They have VIDEO games now? What a world!

Um…I hate to break it to you, but Dennis Dugan is the most consistent comedy director working today. His movies are consistently terrible.

I've known a couple women who have given up their careers, dreams etc. for the man that they love, and let me tell you, seeing their looks of profound disappointment and regret coupled with uncontrollable sobbing and a general detachment from the world has just been HI-LARIOUS.

Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer Frozen Yogurt?

Totally, I agree. I thought Pamela would just end up shattering him again and he'd realize the only women in his life worth concerning himself over are his daughters.

That's fair. I just have to ask, did the scene with Amia disturb you as much? They were essentially the same, almost even shot the same way, just in one Amia succumbs to the advances and in the other, Pam does not. Because if you were still with the show at that point, and found that relationship to be healthy and