The Rabbit's Den

"Louie could give two shits." - FX executive

It seems to me that you might have a personal connection to the subject matter you're discussing, which could very well explain why you'd be so irate at the way it was handled on the show.

I know it's popular to hate on Family Guy, but I like Stewie's weird appreciation/adoration of hefty older secretary-type women with godawful senses of humor. His "oh ho ho" when they tell a terrible joke makes me warm inside.

Sorry I was gonna throw a /sarcasm thing in there. The trailer has way too many callbacks to the original for my liking. Though, as I rightly suspect, that's just a problem of the trailer, which is likely aiming to just stir up nostalgia for the first one.

I just wish it had more callbacks to the original, ya know? I feel like this is just gonna go in a completely different direction, without much reverence of (or reference to) the original.

Butters: Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I

The show seems to be a loose parody of The Big Bang Theory, ipso facto, carry the two…….they need tits to be popular.

I like this show, and the review is pretty good, but it has a very "college term paper" feel to it. Come on, that scene at the wedding wasn't about fear. It was a huge setup just to get to the joke at the end.

Why is Season 9 hated? I found a couple episodes in there (Simpson Tide, Trash of the Titans) to be pretty great. And there were a lot of great lines and bits from other episodes, too.

That'll take weeks to grow back. Weeks!!

Is this an adaption of Andy Weir's The Martian? I haven't read it yet but I thought from the AV Club's review it had some wry humor or sarcasm, right? I hope they can find someone like Goddard who can bring that to the proceedings.

I love this show. It's got a surprising amount of heart for a show in which the lead character is (falsely) accused of rape and at one point put a woman in a suitcase in the back of his car (though, to be fair, that was for HER benefit holy crap that sounds awful out of context).

The timing and delivery on the jokes in this one was really well done. In fact, I'd say the writing was really snappy, too. A lot of newer episodes don't know when to end a joke or cut a scene for comedic purposes, but this one really seemed to nail it. I enjoyed it.

Or whatever the stand-in for Subway Sandwiches was.

So wait: a woman is on-screen for 57 minutes and gets an Oscar nom, yet a man has to be onscreen for a whopping 28 MINUTES MORE in order to get the nom? Now THAT'S inequality!

Great song, great songwriter, great musician. Can't wait for the album.