
Well over 20-something; well over zero children; and well over a mediocre job. And no, I dont feel "morally superior" to JHemp. The "morally superior" charge is an accusatory dodge of the topic at hand. (kind of like calling people "liberals.") I just think that JHemp is way wrong; I'm no expert; very few commenters

"You see, you MADE me hit you. If you don't want me to hit you, don't __________."

I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.

Not as annoying as the music.

This was filmed in Australia.

God that upside down date center screen is annoying.


She needs another Nicotine patch, STAT!


Quite a role model for her kid.

I am, at least last time I checked

lol "andorks," i like that. i usually call 'em fandroids.

queue the 'clever' remarks from the andorks. 'ram this megapixel that sheep something' whatever. Gimme gimme gimme next friday can't come soon enough I'm going to run my current android phone over with my car.

Are.. are you a real person?

Brute force attack on her password. Apple's servers were not hacked in anyway. So secure just like every other site that doesn't require 2 step authentication.

Except that Apple didn't get hacked. Instead the hackers figured out the answers to her security questions. It would be no different on any other cloud service.

for whatever reason you apple haters always think apple is all about being first, but if you weren't blinded by your own ignorance you'd realize apple has never been about being first with a product. apple wasn't the first with a personal computer, or graphic user interface, or mp3 player, or smartphone, or the

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Google keep track of what you buy, from who and how much? I mean, isn't that Google's thing? I have only used Google Wallet once, but from my impression they actually collect data whereas Apple does not. And Apple created a way to give a retailer a one time use credit card while

Yeah, you're definitely in the minority if you're buying music from Google.