
Seems he’s doing okafor a 35 year old.

Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.

I think you’re overthinking it. If your kids are having issues getting up, the number one solution in my book is an earlier bedtime. Setting out clothes the night before helps. But I don’t agree about breakfast. We take some time to have breakfast together in the morning, even if it is simple, it’s important family

Here’s a crazy thought. Take away the iPad and replace it with books, play, and other children. You’ll have a more balanced child and less risk of creepy stuff showing up.

Oh my god. It’s not predatory. Fuck. He kept the game x number of days. It costs x dollars per day to keep said game. He returned it. He got charged the price of that There is nothing predatory about this. It’s just simple math and common sense.

Why would a warrant be issued at all? I’m sure you can go to Virginia and find all sorts of crime that people wished was solved and pursued. Here is an alleged “trace” of narcotics on luggage...which has passed through all sorts of hands and storage...if it is indeed even her item at all. You can’t get a cop to pursue

You know why

1-no dr, you arent even close to uninstalling your cash cow, dont fib.

Tough walking 3 feet from the cart to your ball. Dude brings cart on the greens.

Donny 2 Scoops claims he’s a 4 handicap. I was a 2 5 years ago before I had a total shoulder replacement and haven’t so much as picked up a club since. I’ll mortgage my house and bet that orange Julius fuck nut $1,500,000 to play straight up. No 10 foot gimmes, no fucking mulligans, every fucking stroke counts.

Eh...build up your immunity! If we are too sanitary a sneeze from a Malasian guy will wipe out 1/2 of the US population.

You’re friend is also an asshole. I find this a delightful comment

Daughter had a stroke in utero. Born with a pre-existing condition. Already would be past a typical “lifetime limit” of 1 million dollars.

“lately it’s been stale with 5 year old, unoriginal jokes around here”

Or perhaps it’s when the fighter jets alter the Statue of Liberty and make her so she’s celebrating a touchdown instead of offering a beacon to the world?

She gets winded lip synching in 30 seconds.

“Current Craig needs a million dollars to pay back Investor A. Paying back Investor B is a problem for Future Craig.”

I remember following him around at the BC Open twenty something years ago. The back story is that he was drinking heavily, he’d be suspended from the tour soon after. He was defending champion and it’s an unwritten rule you return to defend your title. But John wasn’t having it, he tried to withdraw. The tour

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

This may not be the time or place, but with Charlie dying from leukemia, it is only fitting. We are currently fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to try and fund the research that will eradicate this horrible disease. We should not still be losing the fight to cancer and if anyone can spare even $1