Nothing like an easily identifiable marker to realize you’re driving near someone who makes poor choices.
Nothing like an easily identifiable marker to realize you’re driving near someone who makes poor choices.
That’s just good lawyering right there.
All of the picks to formal positions have been excellent thus far - pence, prebuis, pompeo, sessions and Flynn are all highly qualified.
A little tip: Adjust your side mirrors so the insides of them just overlap the outsides of your rearview mirror. That way you don’t have a blind spot and you don’t have to look anywhere other than the rear and side mirrors in a normal lane change.
This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.
Maybe next time you should nominate a woman who’s not under FBI investigation, just to be safe.
I’ll repost what I wrote to, Vin. Yes, the article is about a race truck but statements like this:
You’re missing the point, Vin. Statements like this:
But a 9mm kills, a .45ACP additionally takes their soul.
This should be required reading before anyone comments on the price of these rounds...
Those darn monkey-fighting snakes keep coming back to those Monday-to-Friday planes!
Pictured, driver.
I took the test and I got this
the only people I know who shift at redline are kiddies that think it’s cool to bounce off the rev limiter, usually really dumb kiddies in their honduh or the crap sportbike. Good race drivers shift at the point where you start to lose power NOT redline. some cars that is past the redline, many it’s before.
its not shocking that they are so unethical as to base an entire industry off the IP of others.
The author of this article, in particular, is extremely anti-Uber and extremely anti-capitalism. He’s a shithead.
Uber drivers have absolutely no obligation to the company that “employs” them either. I’m amazed at how up in arms people are about Uber. Their workers are absolutely the definition of independent contractors.
if uber drivers unionize than they essentially become a taxi company. the reason that all of use uber is because they are not a taxi company.
If they were employees, they could unionize and demand workplace protections and health care benefits and all of the other things that our system provides to employees.
Backward? They had nuclear missile silos pointed at us, and yes, it would have affected the United Kingdom as well if we were hit. Get your facts straight.