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    It’s not that easy. Past a certain point, usually to go to supervisor or above someone has to vacate the position above or a new one has to be created. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to create a new position from an organizational standpoint.

    It’s funny because I just recently hired a guy who is way overqualified for the position we had posted and I had to answer to both my CIO and IT Director as to why I went for him instead of another 20 something drone:

    You have a whole lot to learn. You should always be considering what’s in the best interest of the business. Wasting 100 man hours on a poorly conceived idea and not voicing your objections because “You do what you’re told!” is utterly foolish. When it comes time for promotions and hiring I look for people who are

    Except gasoline is extremely efficient for energy storage and transfer.

    But shoot a duck and eat it and we’re the monsters? Jesus christ man, window installers and cats are the best avian serial killers the world has ever seen.

    He’s giving himself enough time for someone to find his body before the cat eats his face off.

    Yeah people really don’t get that, projects have to meet their RoI no matter how much the company is making elsewhere.

    You know he was blazed as fuck for that entire scene right? Guy had enough THC in his system you could have gotten high off a blood transfusion.

    If they hadn’t he would have killed about 130 people and gained access to multiple super weapons. So.... eff Tony, Rhodey died saving lives.

    It’s not just the actors, directors and producers hate paying someone premium prices to stand around and not even see their face, they could have a stuntman do that much.

    Most states only require you to be 18, not just Texas, unless you’re transporting across state lines in which case the federal requirement of 21 applies. Texas has more stringent testing and licensing requirements for a hazmat license than California but yeah let’s be idiots about it and make blanket generalizations

    Am I the only one that’s hard right now?

    No body, no crime, no complaint.

    Q: “What happens when a shopping cart hits a wall at 72mph?”

    And if someone tried to pull an Aurora Colorado on them while they were on one of those dates she’d be damn happy he had no qualms about ending the life of the piece of shit who would have killed her. Having the means and will to act does not make one a psycho, she and you interpreted his words as a threat against her

    In LA it gets you a luxury single bedroom apartment, a regular 2 bedroom, or a shitty 3 bedroom with a cockroach problem.

    Testify brother, testify!

    It’s no easier to buy a gun at a gun show than it is to buy one at a gun shop, they must still meet federal licensing requirements and run a background check. If they do not have an FFL then a FFL must be part of the transaction such that they would have to transfer the firearm to the FFL and they would in turn run

    California has almost 5,000 wild land firefighters who are inmates in good standing from minimum security prisons. They are fully trained firefighters who augment regular Cal Fire teams in conservation work, fire prevention, and fighting forest fires.