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    I agree with everything you said except one thing, the DNC and RNC are not the government, they are political organizations. They aren’t required to publish any records other than what the law demands and that is the same of any private entity.

    Then why did the DNC write an anti-Trump story for Politico and then tell them to just stick their byline on it? Or Journolist, where they explicitly coordinated stories?

    Anyone who asks me for a Moscow Mule gets a Cleveland Steamer instead. I’m so tired of that hipster fad.

    The point being, you’re ignoring a large part of the costs and pollution involved and only looking at the benefits. If you want to make it a rational discussion you look at ALL of it not just the part you like.

    What’s the weight difference from a standard truck? The more weight added the less there is for cargo. What is the expected range vs the real world range? Electrics take a much larger performance and range hit due to ambient temperature than standard vehicles.

    You left out a number of very large variables.

    Do you remember WHY the economy collapsed? It was because of policies enacted during the Clinton administration that built a massive real estate bubble that came crashing down on everyone’s heads. GWB didn’t create that problem he just had to deal with the fallout.

    No, but he’s planning on no one looking behind the curtain, funny how that worked out for VW.

    Okay yeah Russians are completely insane.

    But first, how do I map the keyboard controls?

    I’d do fine in the Russian plane, probably a little bit better.

    Yeah besides Hollywood is a crappy place to live, you’re surrounded by hipster idiots and crime. Much better to live in Burbank and just drive 10 minutes to Hollywood.

    Now playing

    Love the SRW series, I’ve been addicted to it since the gameboy.

    In my entire life I’ve never been pulled over for the color of my skin. I have however been pulled over for speeding, luckily he caught me when I was doing 85 and not 130 like the night before. I’m sure he was surprised someone was so happy to be caught doing only 20 over. Is there a shit-eating grin emoji?

    Someday you’ll taste the piping hot slurry of freedom and you’ll never be able to get enough.

    Except for the whole lives with parents and has kids thing, she’s totally my type.

    And I thought my girlfriend was adventurous when she asked me to choke her out and take her in public.

    Nah, it’s an old tattoo covered by a new one.