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    I wanna know when the studio sign-ups happen, I can drive down there and get into the audience and be just as happy without all of the “all expenses paid” stuff.

    Do we have to win the contest or couldn’t we just drive out there and show up? Seriously this is nice and all but if they’re filming in Burbank for example I can be there in 30 minutes. How are they handling walk-ins for the studio audience?

    “Honda has decided that any hybrid you’ll be able to buy from them will actually, sadly, be pretty boring.”

    Letting the car drive itself and not paying attention is already pretty damn negligent. Not braking when you see a semi in front of you would be suicidal so negligent is the least worst thing to call him.

    Physics would teach you why that’s a really stupid idea.

    No it doesn’t matter. That would matter only if the driver was being charged with the murder of the officer, only then would his state of mind make a difference.

    It makes me sad to see this but oh well it’s his car to do what he wants.

    Whether it’s justified or not is whether the officer believed his or an innocent’s life was in danger had he not pulled the trigger, someone coming at you with a car is well within that threshold. People second guess these things all the time without understanding what is a justified shooting and it’s kinda irritating.

    Ethically, they were obligated to disclose it, technically no. The problem is that when a company like Tesla starts getting into what they’re “technically” obligated to tell investors is when they start to get their pants “technically” sued off.

    I’ll give you that the guy probably had no idea he was driving towards that cop, or that it was a cop. But it was still a justified shooting, in that kind of situation the police don’t have time to determine the intent of the person coming at them with a deadly weapon.

    Heading towards a cop with a deadly weapon? Ummm yes... Getting run over by a truck is just as bad as getting stabbed with a knife, probably worse.

    Wow, one man army waging a war against Google.

    Why would Brexit prevent her from being on the show? They’re splitting from the EU not declaring war on it.

    Except it is illegal, so.....

    Just having one helps, it shows independence, doesn’t matter what kind or what it looks like. Not having your own car is a clear sign of dependence on others whether it’s your parents or public transportation, it’s so beta that women are turned off by it.

    I know a guy whose 25 year old son has never learned how to drive and doesn’t want to, prefers taking the bus. I swear to god if that kid gets married it’ll be because he found one of the weird ones.

    Why so kind? My family got me a manual Volvo 200-series from 1980, it was 107 bhp when it was brand new and it was used hard and put up wet. Hated that car but it got me where I needed to go, eventually.

    Physics would tell you why that’s a bad and suicidal idea.

    You’re thinking like a human not like a computer. The computer was not programmed to recognize that situation so it couldn’t have done anything about it when it was missing critical data. A human being could infer that the trailer was still there based on the speed the semi was moving when they last saw it, even if

    You can try Logic for Dummies, $7.43 on Amazon.