The weird flopping fuel filter is all I needed to see. ND.
The weird flopping fuel filter is all I needed to see. ND.
Definitely an ND. Might have done a good job restyling the classic P1800 body but some very suspect mechanical bits. Especially that ratty and rusty looking undercarriage. Is that a fuel filter just hanging out there behind the rear axle? Who does that?
That brake booster/master cyl cluster-fuckery is awful.
But if the fuel level is a little higher when I turn it in I’ll be reimbursed at those rates, right? Right?
Nah, find a cop car that has had the door left open and see if you can plug it in there.
Hey, man, this is Jalopnik. We love our junkyards and we don’t want these assholes hanging out there. Probably the sort to take parts off cars truck and not pay for them. Send them somewhere else, like the DMV or something.
Typical losers.
Note to self -- I think it’s time to shave my beard after 15 years.
I would like to invite each and every one of these morons to get fucked all the way back to the junkyard where they belong.
More like with dentures soaking in cups
“We are coming back with teeth and a backbone!“
He has a valid point. Apple takes other people’s ideas and markets them, that’s their entire business. We shouldn’t give them credit for inventing it, all they did was sell it to people who weren’t tech savvy enough to use what already existed.
Sorry but I am all for celebrating what actually revolutionized things not what is the most popular. Apple has done an incredible job of making people think they invented everything.
i remember when allowed you to download songs. over an optimistic 56k dialup connection. my parents weren’t happy about that phone bill that month.
Young man, there was a time before phones had the capability of holding music.
I would think the *owners* of the fancy cars would be less than thrilled about having them parked on the street. If I knew a shop was doing that with my car I wouldn’t be taking my car there.
Ran when parked.
Probably a combination of management and corporate culture. Any company that has poor leadership and the subsequent toxic culture it causes is the most rapid way to lose your talent.
I’ll be in my bunk.