Hey, Land Rover, this is what you were supposed to do with the Defender.
Hey, Land Rover, this is what you were supposed to do with the Defender.
And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough
Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.
I liked it BECAUSE it was an echo chamber. In the Trump era, there can be no civil discourse with the other side. If I wanted to interact with Nazis, I’d rejoin Facebook.
From the Grayening to the non-stop Tomato trolling, who knew that having open disdain for your customers was a bad business model?
We could make a reddit. But I fucking hate reddit.
Welp, that's the worst option.
Well if it makes you feel better I thought comments from people especially you, did help the conversation.
No room in your garden for a doge, Tomato?
This is such bullshit. This was one of the main outlets I read, because I can read the same shit elsewhere, but it’s less funny, and the comments literally everywhere else on the internet are completely and utter trash.
So, let’s collect ideas for where to go now that splinter is dead. I tend to like crooksandliars, but the commentariot sucks and the site as a whole is stuffed with more ads than the GMG sites.
I don’t think anyone can reasonably expect any elected official to know every variance of every law that might apply to every situation they find themselves in.
I think everyone can and should reasonably expect that every elected official would know enough about the law (to say nothing of ethical behavior and basic…
Dismiss “romostrodamus”, it’s just a rightwing pissbaby troll.
You mean Turkey makes the structural frames for same F-35 fighter that has consistently failed to deliver the promised results, become the most cost overrun plagued defense project in history, and has basically been one giant clusterfuck from the moment it was designed? That F-35?
Today on Deadspin: Chris Thompson breaks down Chris Thompson’s break down.
You ok bud?
“Dan Snyder is the second-worst owner in professional sports” - New York Knick Fans.