
I just get financing from my credit union, and bring a Kindle to read while they wander off to talk to the ‘sales manager’.

It leaked from the factory.

Yeah, looks factory to me. 

I will confess I stopped reading after A Feast For Crows because I want to restart when the darn series is done. But I should have said periodical, not publication, my bad. At least two months after the paperback is out, perhaps?

For any publication, as a rule of thumb, I consider things to be spoilers till the next issue or volume of said publication is out.

Of COURSE Squirrel Girl saves everyone at the big climax. I was really impressed how they worked her in so smoothly, though. Huge swerve as they expected Carol to be the big gun. 

Wish I could be there for it, but I’ve only got the 17th free. 

Well, I’ll be at the NYIAS on Thursday, so I got that going for me. Should be fun, going to be checking out some hybrids for someone who has HOV desires, and as always, going to be hoping there’ll be some fun antiques on display.

I like false exhaust tips. Two reasons.

1: I can’t believe you didn’t have a jerry can. If you’ve got no gas gauge, carry a jerry can.

But... what would he TOW it with? This?

It looks... surprisingly good, really.

What bout the speeder bikes from Solo? 

... so they’re going to use 20 year old cars in their ride-hailing network? Sounds great. 

The thing is, to use many of these seats, you’re going to add many asses to the plane. Thirty inches to 23 inches is, eh, let’s call it adding 20% more people. (Space between seats will have to remain roughly constant, after all)

Mark Twain said it best. 

Radio: a subsidized service. 

This is a more interesting point than I thought while griping. Ford, say, owns none of my car after I purchase it from the dealer, while using a non-Ford financing service. How can they make money off something they have no ownership of? 


I do not have cable, but if I did, the cost of cable is partially subsidized by the advertisement, yes.