
No no. Thank you, Mario.

Here you go :)

The Doggles. They do nothing.

Unless your phone has HDMI out. Never used a device with that myself, but I can't imagine there'd be much difference quality-wise between that and an OTA broadcast.

Real answer: probably has more to do with service/coverage/speed than bandwidth constraints.

If that's the case, well then, my mistake. With a decent phone with HDMI out, a lot of people will find holding on to cable even less worthwhile.

Too bad you'll hit your cap before the second half even starts...

What about this situation?

I feel it should be noted you can also enter developer mode by entering the following in the same Just Type area:

Well that explains that. Felt some small tremors in Dayton, OH. Really small. Sitting at my desk I initailly thought my leg muscle was spazzing out, or my washer/dryer was overloaded. :D

She's going to break your H.A.R.T.

Figure this might be a good time to ask.

Don't do that! Might make fully comprehending future comments more difficult :D

I'd like to add Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion to the above recommendations. Sunshine's underground platform stages (when you were stripped of your waterpack) were awesome.

Ah my mistake. I forgot PSX BC was software emulated and not handled by the Emotion Engine chip.

Used Wiis should hold a bit more value now. Same thing happened to the PS3 launch units when Sony stripped out the PSX/PS2 BC.

Though the more I think about it, it would be pretty dumb to keep a GC controller port without GC game compatibility, especially when Nintendo sells 8 million different control peripherals all compatible with the Wiimote.

Ditto on @Salamanderjuice recommendation. I softmodded my Wii a while back and in addition to playing import games (Xenoblade Chronicles just shipped, hooray!), I can do other cool things like rip and play games from an external hard drive. No more discs! (Disclaimer: All games loaded on my hard drive are games I

I think you misunderstood him. Smash Brothers: Brawl is the Wii version of the series, and arguably the best control method for it is the GameCube controller. It's still up in the air if taking the GC compatibility out means that the controller ports will go too. That would piss off a lot of people.