
out of sheer jalopism you should refuse to help anyone buy a crossover ever.

I’m trying to think of a place that I’d be embarrassed by this car. I literally can’t think of one. This is a gorgeous vehicle, and I can’t figure out who would mock you for driving it.

If it’s good enough for James Bond, it’s good enough for me

When I was a kid I broke the back window of a Ford windstar with this

What’s the big deal? I’ve heard of a guy whose ‘64 DB5 roof would explode off and the seats would shoot up in the air too. He never complained.

You prefer the previous gen Mazda3 styling to the current one? I think you might be the only person that Ive heard say that. As for the manual option in the CX9.... Do you think that they would sell more than 50 of those IRL?  

Editing to clarify *in Western Europe*.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

Am I the only person who doesn’t find this story the least bit funny? Especially when you think about all the likely explanations and their potential ramifications... His mother may have cheated on his father, and once the kid was old enough that he could tell it wasn’t his, dad splits, and mom continues to lie to

I cannot unsee this... so I shall repay you in kind.

Why does this exist.

But will she finally be rescued? Rescued from loneliness by a Princess?


I don’t despair. Frankly, as a POC, I don’t have that luxury.

I already have a ‘96 Roadmaster Wagon, so I’m good on beaters lol

Knowing you’ll probably never be able to afford your dream car 😔

Yeah the whole thing about Bob at the beginning was so smug and cringeworthy.

It’s becoming a common viewpoint among younger people I think. They weren’t raised by the WW2 generation like I was. Those people were sure Japan would never have surrendered without the bomb and would have been invaded both by the US, Australia and Britain but the soviets too. Untold millions would have died and

“I have a G.E.D., 18 karat gold teeth, and visible tattoos everywhere.”

I enjoyed the article too. Not so much because of the car because let’s be real here: the car is actually sort of a rust bucket. What I did appreciate was the sentiment for keeping it for that long. Maybe because I “get it”.