There’s also the possibility he does know more, but doesn’t want to publicly announce the world that his mother committed adultery.
There’s also the possibility he does know more, but doesn’t want to publicly announce the world that his mother committed adultery.
Somewhat disillusioning to know that the previous $10k slot record was only $23k.
My reaction to the above pictures:
Also not necessarily a size thing, but British drivers seem to have no concept of following distance and use same direction lane markings as mere suggestions rather than any sort of important demarcation.
1. Mac Jr.
It might help if Ford started releasing non-fuzzy photos.
Sounds reasonable.
My problem with RS’ immersion approach is that you can easily get to the point where you’re not really sure what exactly you’re learning. For example, you can be presented with text and a series of pictures, but depending on your mind, you may be able to come up with multiple plausible versions of what is going on.…
Who do I have to bribe to allow The Americans to win some awards?
I don’t think 2017 Nissan is capable of creating anything that classy and clean looking.
Everyone knows the only way to travel is in Cadillac Style
Or maybe we’re not interested in buying ugly, over-designed cars that make 1990s Pontiacs look minimalist.
Honestly, taking a shower might just be the most enjoyable part of my daily routine. Possibly related: a shower also functions as a daydream inducement device for my mind.
Or at least make Jezebel an “all Carol, all the time” blog.
Am I the only one who thinks this thing looks horribly misproportioned?
“Fun” fact: While some localities in Japan have stricter laws, the national age of consent in Japan is 13.
To me this depends on the personality type of the individuals.
Yup, those jet-setting, well-to-do millennials always flaunting their unprecedented wealth by filling up planes and leaving all those poor boomers and gen-exers suffering in their wake.
So many vintage 1970s ads with cars on beaches as if rust wasn’t a thing.
You’ve never road-tripped until you’ve road-tripped in a mid-’90s Town Car.