Han and Lando in the Eeeeempire
Han and Lando in the Eeeeempire
‘Wherever there is injustice, you will find him...
It’s too bad a movie called Tops wasn’t #1 this week.
Rando: First Blood
He DIDN’T rape 7.8 billion people!
Yeah, I don’t think Mr. Spider was being glib about sexual assault. If you’re looking at 30 years, regardless of the alleged crime, your decision to plead or not plead is entirely strategic, as it should be. Requiring the prosecution to prove its case against you beyond a reasonable doubt is a fundamental due process…
Generally, I don’t think too badly of people who continue to stand by a friend who did a bad thing(s) and recognize that they are more than just the terrible thing they did.
How can people vouch so fulsomely for someone who’s been convicted of multiple rapes? I suspect, as lifelong friends of Masterson, they believe him when he tell them he’s not guilty of the crimes for which he was accused. This is a man they have been close friends with them for over 20 years, and if what they say in…
“But he’s never done drugs” is the weirdest defense of a rapist I’ve ever heard. Personally, I’d much rather be friends with somebody who does lots of drugs and has never raped anyone. But that’s just me.
This is a good take.
Sure, he’s a rapist, but what matters is that he’s anti-drug!
I’d like to direct the commentariat to the way the members of the punk band Anti-Flag responded when their lead singer Justin Sane was accused in pretty much the same way Masterson was accused.
Aaaand that’s probably why Topher Grace didn’t hang out with his co-stars.
It’s hard for me to imagine that a child would be better off raised by a multiple rapist, even if he’s promised not to do it again.
It just blows my mind. He’s been found guilty! Of multiple rapes! I could understand how it could mess you up psychologically to find out the friend you never thought would do such a thing had in fact done such a thing, but maybe now is not the time to bring up his punctuality?
y’know, I work in the criminal justice system. I’ve seen a lot. Seen people stay with the spouse who abused their children. Seen people write letters of support for serial sexual assaulters. But I gotta say, seeing someone write that they “wholeheartedly vouch” for the “exceptional character” of a man convicted of…
Yeah, I mean I’m sure he’s a great guy if you can look past all the rapes.
The joke is on all of us. Depending on Masterson’s Scientology Operating Thetan level, he has powers over space and time and already lives 30 years in the future and free.
The “Church”