Butters 911

This seems like one of those comments that would fit on any article.

I will always at least give something Elizabeth Banks is in a chance, so...sure. I’ll watch this.

Well, it can’t be worse than whatever Seth MacFarlene was cooking up a few years ago with his planned reboot.

Just giving him enough rope to hang himself 

I hear this version will pay homage to the original by having Fred smoke only Winston filtered cigarettes.  

You know, call it a hunch, but I’m starting to think this Jeffrey Epstein fellow might have been hiding something.

I like seeing Black Panther on top for no other reason than knowing it pisses off Ben “Wankanda isn’t real!” Shapiro and other Conservative bigots.

I mean, the last foreign film remake he was involved with, Infernal Affairs, ramped up what was a small-budget, mostly subtle cop thriller and added shouty Mark Wahlberg and Alec Baldwin doing a Boston accent and those two were probably the most *understated* performances in The Departed so...

How about a cult run by her ex husband because if so you're in luck!


You might be disappointed to learn that this stars Regina Hall then...

Oh man I hope this episode is not worth watching because I will not be watching it.


I think him doing it is the problem. NASA really doesn’t want to let people die going to space, but understands there are risks. A billionaire CEO with a not so great track record with how he treats employees is a bit different.

Yeah but let’s keep in mind, the number of people who have died in spaceflight is relatively low given the risks.

Elon Musk is correct in this observation. He is also a flaming asshole.

Of course you’ll defend Elon, Dino...

Tahani: “What a weird creep, why was I friends with him”