Back in the mid-nineties when I was just starting out with VO work, my VO coach told me to pick one of those two VO ‘types’ so she knew how to market me to clients - I can’t imagine much has changed.
Back in the mid-nineties when I was just starting out with VO work, my VO coach told me to pick one of those two VO ‘types’ so she knew how to market me to clients - I can’t imagine much has changed.
Honestly, even if her performance was crap, I’d still find it difficult to care, considering that the majority of nominations are backed by multi-million dollar campaigns by well-connected studios.
“Harry Potter game has no concept of morality” is the least surprising thing I’ve read all day.
There’s been a lot of good writers on the show, at this stage it’s bigger than any one creator. At worst we lose the improv episodes, which, eh.
Holy shit, actual consequences? Genuinely didn’t expect that. Totally different topic, what’s going on with that Flash movie that WB/Discovery has been cowerdly non-commital on shelving for what feels like years now?
Doesn’t seem to be much circling tables excessively and doubling back on empty shelves in case they come across random screws or pills. Starting to doubt their commitment to the source material.
They nailed the clickers. My reaction to that scene was basically a lot of head-nodding and finger-snapping approval 😁Prosthetics, audio design, and movement all replicated perfectly. And I think Bella Ramsay has been an awesome Ellie so far. Her lovable sass is the whole deal! (I can understand viewers who have seen…
I personally think some additions to the existing OGL are warranted. stuff banning NFT’s and addressing new tech and trends should be added. the monstrosity that got leaked definitely wasn’t needed though.
I think the files were sealed until recently.
I think the most damning part is only alluded to here.
If your video is demonetized for violation of these rules, you will not be told why or how your video is in violation of the guidelines, only that it is. At that point you can edit your video and apply for re-review, still not knowing what was actually in…
I initially wrote a whole thing critiquing how they still could have made this a premium title, and that Kotaku was too soft when it comes to grilling about the freemium model, etc. Whatever, it’s fine - the developer made a fun game, one that is arguably undervalued in its premium form, and I still have that version…
Imagine being one of those 3rd party developers they talked to, and doing so little research on who you were meeting/in discussions with that you actually think they’d go along with some predatory mobile market bullshit.
Awww Elden Ring, the cause of, and solution to, all the worlds problems.
I just don’t get how a website exists only for artists, fucks artists over then wonders why the artists got mad? YOU HAD ONE JOB, LOOK AFTER THE ARTISTS!
Yeah, the comment about Switch sales slowing down as the Steam Deck heats up was a little silly. As mentioned, the Steam Deck is no longer held back by wait times or stock. I don’t know if the Deck will even have lifetime sales of what the Switch sold in just 2022.
Tangent: Are we doing away with the distinction* between roguelike and rogue-lite, and just calling all variants ‘roguelike’ now? I’m okay with it, because true roguelikes are rare and frequently unfun to me. So if rogue-lites are the norm and just take the genre name then that’s cool. I just want to make sure I’m on…
we do, some things just slip through the cracks. i regularly read the comments and make any corrections that are called out so i appreciate you doing so
If you take an 8 year old to a GDT movie, that’s on you.
I’ll see this but the real question is: will it traumatize my 8 year old?